The TARDIS was spinning out of control, The Doctor dashed about frantically trying to get his ship back in control. He knew he would crash if he couldn't regain control. He already had a feeling that he had crossed his own time line, which wasn't normally meant to happen. He didn't want to create paradoxes or cause any problems. Was that why he had lost control of his ship, he was looking around. Suddenly the Doctor was thrown off his feet and he fell onto the floor of the TARDIS as it crashed. Brilliant. He just hoped that there wasn't any serious damage done to his ship. Getting to his feet, he went to check if the TARDIS was ok, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." he muttered, He was glad that there didn't seem to be any serious damage. He knew after she repaired herself thing would be ok. But he did always still feel bad when he crashed his ship. The coordinates had gone way off where he wanted, He had been on his way to a different planet and been thrown way off where he was trying to go. He might as well go and explore while the TARDIS repaired itself. Even if he wasn't meant to be in his own time line like this, he couldn't help but wanting to go and explore. Throwing open the doors, The Tenth Doctor grinned and set out to go and look around. He pulled his coat over more. He wasn't sure if he was going to run into on of his past selves. He knew he would need to be careful as well. Though he was always careful as he never wanted to damage time. Walking around the Doctor kept look out. It was going to be boring if he had nobody to talk to.