Thasseldar limped out the door. Even though he didn't want to kill the guy, he gave him a solid whack on the head to knock him out for a while. "And that one's for Hanson." He went back in, hoping that Hanson would at least be waking up. To his relief, that was exactly what Hanson was doing - a bit groggy and having missed the fun, but awake enough anyways. "Damn bastard hit me..." Hanson muttered. "He's down right now, think you can handle him? Put him in the back room for a bit?" Thasseldar said. Hanson was tough, he could take a hit once in a while. "...yeah, I think he can reserve room 2, eh?" on that note, Hanson dragged Clark in, with a little help from Thasseldar holding doors open, and tied Clark to the bedpost. "Not the best job, but it'll hold him for a while. Want me to watch him?" Hanson asked Thasseldar as he went to get his pistol. Thasseldar knew there was a battle out there, and even though his leg wasn't in good commission, he had to prove himself in a way that at least somebody would appreciate. "That would be good, just watch this guy until I get back, alright?" on that note, Thasseldar limped out the door and went a little ways down the street in the direction of the action.