Cinia smirked for a moment as she heard someone say they would try to defeat the giant minion before them. "Don't you dare!" She yelled as the giant chicken suddenly grabbed the minions head and started to tear it off in a rather gruesome way. "Common Greg, tear him to pieces!" Cinia yelled. The Greg, the Giant Chicken finally tore of it's head as it fell to the ground, and then dissipated along with the others. "Your late loser." Cinia said to Zarr as she landed, Greg turned back into a smaller chicken again now. Linia in the meantime still rushed after Lucien, who had just killed a person, he had blood lust behind his glasses now, and he was in for the kill from the adrenaline. Lucien had tried to rush after Miff multiple times but he kept getting shot to the side by Linia. After awhile Linia was able to corner him, though he was still firing back, yet Linia was growing weaker from firing too much now. Calamity meanwhile walked into the chaos, he walked into the center of the destroyed construct site and looked down at it. He saw nothing. "They arn't here." He said with a grumble.