Sard stood, mouth agape, as Halite decided to mow down battalion after battalion of defenseless gem. The sheer rage filled madness somehow prevented Sard from reacting. Instead, the Obsidian and the Balas Rose stepped up, the Balas being the more convincing, fiercer, and braver of the two. Still, he didn't fault the Obsidian for trying. It was also important to try and be nice and polite to hulking rage monsters, to try and calm them down. He personally though, wanted to kick the crap out of Hal. He attacked the bubbled gems, beings incapable of even responding. Sard [b]hated [/b]that. "Ahem, [b]we'll[/b] end his rage. I want in on this." Sard said, facing the Balas. Then he turned to the Halite, pointing a shuriken at his face. "Now c'mon, you brute. Let's take this outside."