Yami had changed to his natural and more comfortable outfit. Black tank top, black jeans, studded boots and bracelets. An Egyptian armband and the millennium puzzle were the additions. It had been a few years since he had been living in the Moto home, given the name Yami as he always had, knowing his name still held much power. He became part of Yugi's family and dubbed a older adopted brother to the boy. Yami didn't complain. He was quite happy. But Yami felt that he wasn't done. That something besides his friends kept him on this Earth to stay. With his thoughts else where, he came back to reality, hearing Yugi ask about a shirt that Tea got him. He got up to help his partner. "Did you leave it in the bathroom?" He asked curiously, thinking he saw his look-a-like take it with him when he went to take a shower. Yami had actually somewhat retired as a display, not dueling as much as he use to, letting Yugi take up the title 'King of Games'. Yami dueled when he felt like it and didn't participate in alot of tournaments. He did cheer Yugi on from the sidelines. It wasn't bad that did, but would duel Yami sometimes and help test play some of the latest games that the Kame Game shop would get new stock of.