Name: Ealdwine Silverstrings Relationship to Edward: Ealdwine served the House of Hart-Ellington for several years as a musician and musical tutor, a position he received largely on the merit of being the son of one of the House's more notable retainers. Edward was his chief student, though their relationship was largely unproductive. Needs: To write a song that will be sung for a thousand years after his death Object: A finely-crafted lute, a gift from his departed father Details: Well into middle age, Ealdwine's features still betray the handsomeness that marked him in his youth. His hair is light brown, streaked now with silver, and he is tall and lithe. Though often he broods on his poor fortune, now and again his blue eyes shine brightly with mirth. The rapier at his hip and the lute on his back show his profession as a bard and an adventurer, though he swears he is done delving into dusty dungeons, facing danger and pain for a mere pile of gold. But his tongue is sharp and his sword is sharper, and there is yet glory to be won. He finds himself approaching the Bawdy Dog, fresh from a failed expedition into an already-looted tomb, hoping only for a drink, some company, and maybe a friendly audience for a song.