A knock could be heard on the thick wooden door which lead to the king's chambers. The old mage from before was there, the one that chose those that witnessed the Sounding to be let inside the privileged gates of the castle. Footsteps came from inside the room, then the lock coming undone as the door creaked open, the King in the doorway, blinking his eyes like he had just woken up from a long nap, his clothing more comfort than regal. "All of those that were affected by the Sounding are present and awaiting your presence in the dining hall as you instructed." The old man said, bowing his head towards the king. "How many are there? Is it a large group?" He asked, generally curious. "I believe there are twelve. Though I may not be entirely correct, and for that I apologize if I am." "No need to, you did just as I asked. Have someone inform them that I shall be there shortly, I have to get ready." "Sir, if I may say so, you don't look like you slept very well, I can see the bags underneath your eyes. Something is troubling you, your father would display the same signs." "You are correct, I haven't slept much since the Sounding, that coupled with some events before that have no set me in the greatest frame of mind. But I shall be fine, no need to worry." King Ethan said with a smile. "As you wish, I shall send word to our guests of your upcoming appearance." [hr] Elden watched all of the people as they entered, occasionally smiling or nodding at those that glanced his way. He didn't say a word to any of them, just took the occasional sip of red wine. He scratched his chin, partly bored, partly nervous. The people in the room were making small talk, from what he could tell they were from all over, far North, the east, it didn't really matter to him, they all hailed from Ecen from his guessing. He mostly phased out everyone in the room, and just waited for the King, a messenger, the old mage or just anyone that would give them word on this assembly of people. "I'll take some more in this glass, boy. The finest red you can find on this mess of a table." Elden muttered to Mytchel, as the servant did his job. He knew the boy decently well, he served the king personally, a huge figure, someone that Elden always thought could be a good soldier if he knew how to swing a sword, maybe after some weight was put on his bones. Though he never recalled having a conversation with Mytchel beyond the standard greetings or orders he gave the servant. --- "Maybe they've brought us all here to be executed. Hung by our necks and tossed over the side of the castle, right in view for any pirates to see." Riya said to Lilianna after the girl had entered the room and muttered a question about the group's purpose, before she had gotten interrupted by the sight of food. A smile on her face as she said the words. "I wouldn't put it past those royals to something crazy like that." She added with another grin, taking a bite of food, listening to the conversations the group was having, Northerners speaking in their strange native tongue, Riya had forgotten people actually lived that far up, right by those blisteringly cold mountains. "I'll also take some ale if you have any, friend. Goes great with chicken." She said to Mytchel, the other people having given their drink orders already.