Tim offered money to the group to assist with funding anything someone would want to buy. Damon found it very generous. He was thankful for how generous his teammate was, and yet he couldn't bring himself to take any money from someone, especially with first meeting them. [color=red]"That's really nice of you Tim, but don't worry about me. I managed to get some decent money before I came here. I knew I might need it. I'm not really looking for anything, but I figure it might be nice to check out all the market has to offer and make plans for future equipment. I'll go set my stuff in my room and we'll all head out once everyone is ready."[/color] Damon walked into his room and set his bag next to his bed. He sat on the edge of the bed and trifled through his bag. He found his map again as well as the bag he had his silver and few gold coins in. All together he had about 350 silver counting the three gold coins he managed to get for a dragon's tooth he pulled from a carcass the month prior. Damon put his map in his pocket and proceeded to head into the living room. As Damon stepped into the living room, he noticed that Arlotte had handed Tim his money. [color=red]"I'd say you could carry my money too, but I know it can kind of weigh a person down in bulk like that. Anyone is welcome to my money too, though."[/color] Damon was starting to see how the group dynamic was going to work when it came to living together. [color=red]"Maybe we should just pool all of our money together, but our spending money and our food money. It'd probably be easier to keep track of that way. Might put a strain on the team if we get stingy, but so far everyone sees very laid back with each other."[/color] Damon stated as he was already starting to trust in the integrity of his team. [color=red]"I guess we should probably wait to discuss all of that, though. After Erin comes back, we should definitely head out though. From the way the map looks, the market is huge."[/color]