[quote=@ArenaSnow] Last question - is it one spell that freed the gods or a set of people using the spell at what turns out to be roughly the same time? [/quote] It was one spell, cast by an unknown and foolish group of humans who sought to restore Godliness back to a planet ruled by the Mage Lords. I probably should have been more specific on that front. However the Gods would have been free to materialise where and when they wanted, so appearing at some cultist church hundreds of miles away from the actual ritual, or anywhere else for that matter, would be perfectly possible. [@Pie Flavor] & [@Agamous Devout] Accepted! Although are you two okay with starting at the same place? If not we should probably resolve any potential issue prior to start. [@hivekiller] Finally, an elemental God! Accepted :D Okay, so I've lost my first choice, the God of Death, and my second choice, the God of Chaos -- which is no issue, as I wanted players to have first dibs. However, it means I need to go away and think of a new God. In the meantime, I officially declare the IC open. As everyone is pretty much starting in different locales, I see no issues arising from you guys posting before I do. However if you want to wait, then that's fine, I should have my side of things up and completed fairly soonish.