[center][b][color=red][h3]Incoming: Planet Xaine...[/h3][/color][/b] [I][color=red]Your space pod flashes that deep, dreadful shade of red that indicates the planet's surface is incoming. "Approaching Planet Xaine" is shown on the display screen in front of you. You are nearing a new era in the human race. The year is 2145, and the earth is gone. You heard the last transmissions die out as you began this journey. Several years ago it was discovered that earth didn't have much time left. Around the same time, a black hole to another galaxy opened up. Through probes it was discovered that there was an inhabitable planet on the other side. This started a world wide space race. Nations, corporations, and all other groups all raced to develop a way to get to this planet, the planet was named Xaine. It was found to be earth like, and the atmosphere contains enough oxygen to breathe, but no other research could be done. There was simply not enough time. As earth began to collapse you, and all the other space pods, were launched into the black hole, towards the planet. Who knows what awaits in this new world?[/color][/I] That's the gist of it. In Planet Xaine you will control a smallish group from a corporation (preferably of your own design), nation (like Russia or Canada. Could even go with something more specific like American Scientists. Also, could make up a nation. It has been over a century, you know.) or some kind of group (religious, criminal, etc.). Your main objective is to colonize and survive on this new world. Your group will have to worry about the local wildlife and fauna, any natives that may be around, supplies, and each other. There will be futuristic weapons but don't expect to be commanding a huge military with many weapons of mass destruction. The most you will have is a tank or a few jeeps. There is no way even a large space pod could carry any more. That is, of course, unless you find a way to create them on Xaine... Many details still need to be worked out but this is the rough outline of it. I will put together a NS if any interest is shown. Here is the map: [img]http://s21.postimg.org/xknhxtxbb/better_map.png[/img] [hider=Nation Sheet]Name of Nation/Corp/Group/etc: Location: Type: (cultists, Corp, nation, etc) Main Goal: (main goal to accomplish on Xaine) Leader: Other Important Characters: History: Weaponry: Other Equipment: [/hider] Initially you will pick where you land/crash and will expand from there. Any interest?[/center]