Ok, so officially [@strafe] approved [@the fated fallen] approved if you can both please copy your characters in the characters section when you're ready with them, that would be great. I'm still waiting on the revised cs from [@crazedm] and I believe those are all who have sent in a cs so far. [@hael] I never truly wanted the people of waeldeshore to be religious. It's a big enough city where there could be a temple or two but over all the people are a very accepting group, to an extent. I suppose though that I should have written religion into the story anyhow hehe. So, it is a port town, and they receive and trade with people from all walks of life. If religion were to play into the story, i'd personally set silver lily isle in more of a paganistic lore. Something like in game of thrones or in forgotten realms lore. Where there is something for everyone and it can play as little or as much of a role as the player desires without causing too much of a disturbance to the story. That is what I would like, at least. But as I said in the beginning, this is a collaborative effort, so I would absolutely like to hear your idea before saying yes or no. [@burningcold] I would love for you to join us. We have 2 mages already, but I would love to see your cs.