Parry hated- absolutely hated- being lugged around like a sack of coconuts. After a century of running the Little Angels center on and off in Camden, Parry had learned not to throw kids around like so much luggage in a backpack. If he'd been willing and hungry, he would've happily thrown up all over Tony to teach him a lesson. Alas, he wasn't willing to submit to the humiliation of drinking an actual bottle, so he was left with the marker that Tony handed him. After putting a few magical resistance runes on everyone who wanted (and trying and failing to draw a giant penis on Flint's forehead) Parry had to settle for staying along for the ride. When the rain started coming down on the trek through the park, Parry had to reach down into the upper pocket of the diaper bag, rummaging around at the top of the bag's lip to grasp anything he could with his pudgy fingers. [i]Armani cologne. Useless. People Magazine. Or Playgirl. Equally useless. Condoms. Technically count as raincoats. Useless. Ah! This is either what I want, or it's a dildo. Please don't be a dildo. Please don't be a dildo. Please don't be a-[/i] Parry looked down into his pudgy hand and saw the grip of a large, multicolored umbrella, big enough for two. Its top was labeled with "NYC Pride 2011" and had a few minor enchantments to keep the rain away. "No waincoat," Parry said as he tried to offer it to Tony, "but dis'll work fow now." Which was when he noticed the rain had stopped coming down. And the overgrown park path had turned into a muddy river trail. The ditch of standing water he'd seen as they walked onto the property had turned into a true river. And the buzzing of mosquitos in the night air had been replaced with... the buzzing of much larger mosquitos. Banana trees where there were dead Apple trees seconds ago. "Yeah," Parry said as he dropped the umbrella. He really, really should've put stronger anti-magic wards on everyone before they stepped onto the property. He'd kept them to the simpler ones for standard tricks and traps- fireballs, ice blasts, raging kobolds. Not psychological manifestations and/or time travel. "We'we boned." Parry reached up, grabbed a tiny fistful of Tony's hair and tugged to try and get his attention. "Listen ta me. We'we boned [i]togever[/i]. Got it?"