[center][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/029a340e02c0a5d129228962b2142618/tumblr_nc51f5R0Nl1qznfkso1_400.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=7bcdc8][h3][b] Aiden Carren[/b][/h3][/color][/center] [color=7bcdc8][h3][b]Age:[/b][/h3][/color] 17 [color=7bcdc8][h3][b]Year:[/b][/h3][/color] Senior [color=7bcdc8][h3][b]Appearance:[/b][/h3][/color] A fully Irish child, Aiden is cursed with pale white, easily burnable skin and thousands of dark freckles that dot her cheeks like stars. Her hair is thick, red, and just barely reaching her mid back, and the wild mess can often be found tied tightly into a braid. Her eyes are a stormy green, often concentrated on work, but they seem to stare off into space often. She is relatively pretty, if not a bit prudish, and is always seen wearing long sweaters and skirts (mostly because she has to hide her bruised skin). Her lips are often curved down into a frown and she can always be found stroking her hair or fiddling with her cross necklace when nervous. [color=7bcdc8][h3][u][b]Ability[/b][/u] / [u][b]Power[/b][/u] / [b]Creature:[/b][/h3][/color] Ever since she moved into the "big house", Aiden has been able to see and attract ghosts. Apparently she gives off a certain aura or energy that spirits are drawn too, making her the victim of many paranormal happenings. The ghosts are effected by her mood, so if Aiden is angered or frightened telekinetic accidents are bound to happen. Due to always being surrounded by different ghosts and spirits Aiden can often be seen staring into space or talking to herself. If she is also left unprotected (example: her cross necklace is lost) then the ghosts can often be found trying to possess Aiden, and a possessed Aiden is something no one wants to see. [color=7bcdc8][h3][b]Biography:[/b][/h3][/color] Dublin, Ireland was where Aiden grew up. Their first house was small and wooden, the floors sleek with polish and the walls lined with grout and stone. Outside lights hung from the street poles and children played among the cobblestone streets. It was a nice house, roomy but comfortable, and there were no whispers from the walls like at school or her friend's house. It was perfect for Aiden. The move happened during her eighth summer. Father had suddenly gotten promoted which meant they would be moving closer to the center of the city. Where all the big houses stood, gaping coldly against the smoke-filled streets of Dublin. When she first entered their new home, a three-story manor with at least four balconies, she instantly saw another child standing on the steps. They were oddly dislocated from the world, appearing almost dull gray against the vibrant brown behind them, and when she attempted to say hello the child would not speak back. Only stare. Her mother didn't seem to notice the child either, and even walked through them like they were simply an apparition. And they were. Aiden was kept awake at night by ghostly whispers and unfamiliar faces. They tried to speak to her but no words could form at their lips, and their eyes always stared. The ghosts were attracted to her body, they found it warm and welcoming, and constantly Aiden found herself being possessed. The possessions never lasted long but she almost always ended up hurting her body, either unintentionally or not. Her parents sprung into action when Aiden nearly smothered her young brother at the age of eleven, and they found that the ghosts were kept somewhat at bay with Christian symbols and prayers. After basically drowning their daughter in religion she was sent off to school, where she graduated middle school with high honors and entered high school with absolutely no friends and no future plans. It was in her senior year of high school that she was summoned to Northwood Academy, and with a slight wish that it could turn her future around she quickly accepted their offer. [color=7bcdc8][h3][b]Personality:[/b][/h3][/color] Aiden is, more times than not, stressed. Just imagine a ball of constant stress and annoyance, put a face on it, and you've got the lovely Aiden Carren. Unlike other people, who might talk about their emotions or cry it out, Aiden remains stoic and unnerved, bottling her emotions until she just explodes one day into a full on rant. She will not show weakness, she will not cry. Aiden has always believed there is weakness in such things, and she can't show such weakness around the things that watch her. She had to be strong, and stubborn, even if she didn't want to be. It was the only way to keep the stupid ghouls at bay. Besides the spirits making her stressed, school work could also be a major factor. Despite her love of learning, Aiden is easily overwhelmed by schoolwork and must take breaks constantly or else she'll grow depressed. Aiden could easily be considered a maternal character. She has a motherly attitude obtained from having to take are of her kid brother, and babysitting all those ghosts can lead to one being very responsible. She has a love for children and small animals and will help anyone in need if they so request. Her other true love appears to be literature and writing, and if one were to ask her about books they would see the true [b]nerd[/b] Aiden really is. Around strangers she is shy, maybe a bit cynical, but those who befriend Aiden will realize her motherly capabilities and protective personality. She would never let anything hurt her friends, nothing. She would use her whole body to protect them if she cared enough! Her skills lie in writing and analyzing, but she has been placed in dance classes basically since birth, so she is also a gifted ballet dancer. Other than that, Aiden is somewhat fidgety and distant in conversation, and can often be found talking to herself while reading or staring into space. [hider=Schedule]0 – Music 1 - Science 4 2 - English 4 3 - Latin 4 4 - Political Science 5 - Maths 4 6 - Free Period 7 – Theater 8 - Dance 9 - Chess Club[/hider]