[img]http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t486/isthistaken1/Lydia-Nguyen.png[/img] [h1]and[/h1] [img]http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t486/isthistaken1/Fiona-Redmond.png[/img] The beginning of a flight was always the worst. There was nothing to do and not really much to look at outside. The man had wisely gotten Lynda a window seat, likely to give her one other thing to be occupied with. So far everything was thought of in advance. In the moment she suddenly became aware of someone next to her. Had she really been that zoned out? Having sat down was a red head about her age. A face full of freckles she appeared to be exhausted. Fidgeting a bit she drummed her fingers together. This was her first flight without her parents which usually kept her away from people. But now she was alone and wasn't sure what to do. That didn't stop the dark haired woman from speaking up. "[color=slategray]Hello.[/color]" She tugged at her own hair a bit trying to decide what to say next. She probably should introduce herself but that wasn't was came out. "[color=slategray]Where did you come from?[/color]" [hr] Fiona gasped for air, her lungs pulling and pushing air from her core vehemently. She tried as best she could to avoid making a scene though and stared straight ahead at the seat in front of her. That was until she heard a dull noise from her left. [color=slategray]"Hello. Where did you come from?"[/color] A girl asked. Fiona turned to meet her gaze, she seemed slightly unsure, but not all that unconfident. Like she wasn't used to having to make small talk. [color=0072bc]'Oh, no that's right I just appeared beside her."[/color] It was at this time Fiona realized she just stared back at the girl instead of answering her. She immediately lifter her hands in a sort of [i]'my bad'[/i] motion. [color=0072bc]"Oh I just got on the plane, I live just outside of Austin![/color] Fiona said, she knew that it was best to use truths to hide others. [color=0072bc]"What about yourself? What is bringing you to Haiti?"[/color] [hr] The rather pointed question was something Lydia had not anticipated. Fortunate for her any awkwardness trying to come up with a lie would not look much different than any other moment for her. Putting her hands to her face her eyes wandered a bit as if she were searching for something. The seconds ticked by and for a moment it looked like the girl had completely forgotten the question. Snapping back into the moment she quickly thought of something. "[color=slategray]I'm going to meet a family there. I haven't seen them in a long time.[/color]"Yeah, that would probably do. It was close enough, she was going to see the "Smith Family." Of coarse she had never actually met anyone in Haiti. [hr] Fiona winced a little at the mention of family. By all means, she was a nineteen year old woman who was allowed to take trips, but the fact that she hadn't even been able to give him the courtesy of letting him know where she was going. She felt herself drop a little, slouch back in her chair before looking a little past the young woman beside her out the window. [color=0072bc]"My name's Fiona. Fiona R-."[/color]Fiona stopped herself, it might look suspicious if she's supposed to be looking for a sign that said 'Smith Family'. [color=0072bc]"Smith, Fiona Smith."[/color] She said glancing back at the girl, putting on a false grin. [hr] Smith? Coincidence, maybe. Lydia could not be sure in this case. Maybe someone was on to her. Biting her lip she ran a couple scenarios in her head. Could be the man placing someone to watch her and keep her out of trouble. How to find out? "[color=slategray]Lydia. It's gra... nice to meet you.[/color]" Well she had done speaking well up until that point. Offering a hand to shake she hoped to get some kind of reading from the contact. A couple times Lydia found that people tended to emit signals that gave away if they were lying or telling the truth. They weren't always easy to pick up on, requiring physical contact. "[color=slategray]I have never been to Haiti before. This is my first trip anywhere by myself. I don't always do well by myself.[/color]" Wow, way to be a downer. Her other hand ran through her hair and knocked out the clip. "[color=slategray]Sorry, I don't always say things right. Are you... I mean, what are you going to do there?[/color]" [hr] [color=0072bc]"Yeah me too, never been out of Austin."[/color] Fiona said laughing a little under her breath. She shook Lydia's hand with a warm gaze. [color=0072bc]"I guess I'm going to just... Get away from some stuff, y'know?"[/color] Fiona had finally begun to regain her energy, but her mind was racing a mile a minute. This girl seemed nice enough though. Fiona followed Lydia's hand as it combed through her silky black hair. [color=0072bc]"Oh, hey you knocked this out."[/color] Fiona grabbed the clip before it hit the ground and helped Lydia put it back in. [color=0072bc]"There we go..."[/color] Fiona said as she helped the other girl place the clip back in so that it would keep her hair out of her eyes. [color=0072bc]"Oh, shit sorry, I think I shocked you!"[/color]Fiona said waving her hand back and forth after getting a little static shock. [color=0072bc]"Well if you're worried we can stay together for the next little while, safety in numbers and all that, right?"[/color] [hr] Right about now Lydia wished she could get herself to stop moving. But that would probably be a bad idea since they were going to be in a plane flying above land and water. Who knows what a bolt of lightning would do if it originated from the inside of a plane. Drawing back a bit she fixed her hair a couple times just to be sure it was together before smiling weakly. "[color=slategray]No no. That just happens sometimes. When the air is dry.[/color]" The air lately hadn't exactly been that dry with the sparatic rain coming down. There was probably a better excuse, like none at all, but it was a little late now. Lying was not the greatest skill she had. Usually things just kind of came out. But with the whole scare of the goverment coming after her, Lydia had to step way outside her comfort zone. Turning away she looked out the window as the plane had started to taxi. Any other time this trip might have been fun. But here and now it just hurt. [hr] [color=0072bc]"Well I'll tell you what, I ran just about the entire way over here, so if you don't mind, I'm gonna shut my eyes for a while, wake me when we get there?"[/color] Fiona asked. She was telling the truth, she ran twice today and her blood sugar was pretty low because of it. She could already feel her eyelids shutting down on her. So much so that she barely even realized how out of place Lydia seemed to be. At this moment however, Fiona couldn't care less. She laid back in her seat and looked over at Lydia giving her a smile before shutting her eyes, when she would open them back up, she'd hopefully be in Haiti. [hr][hr] Since the one person nearby to talk to slept on the way Lydia busied herselt with essentially nothing. The ocean outside was a little intersting, thinking about all the things inside it. More than once she got up and went to the bathroom. A little water in her hair kept it from frizzing out since she couldn't discharge any energy until they reached the ground. Getting hold of a pen and paper she started doing math. The entire page was practically full by the time they landed and the attendant came by to wake Fiona. Now to find the Smith family, and see if Fiona was going the same way. Or more specifically, see if she went first. Which of course she did, running off to her "family." Before she could get out of reach though Lydia reached out and pulled her back gently. "[color=slategray]Wait... Are you different too?[/color]" It suddenly occured to here that this was not the time or place to speak about this. She began to go with Fiona to the man with the Smith Family sign. "[color=slategray]You're last name isn't Smith is it?[/color]" [hr] Fiona was awoken by the flight attendant when the plane touched down. She was drowzy, but she kept replaying the letter in her mind. She needed to look for the Smith family sign, or at least someone holding that sign. She watched as Lydia turned to go towards her family and a weight was lifted from her shoulders. [color=0072bc][i]'So she really was just a nice girl.'[/i][/color] However when Fiona stepped towards the waiting area her arm got caught on something. She was still drowsy, had she made a mistake? [color=slategray]"Wait... Are you different too? You're last name isn't Smith is it?"[/color] Lydia said to her, joining Fiona on their way to the man with the Smith sign. [color=0072bc]"I suppose it's going to have to be now."[/color] Fiona said subtly reaffirming Lydia's thoughts about her. [color=0072bc]"Lydia, it's nice to meet you, my name's Fiona, I can run at the speed of sound.[/color] Fiona said grabbing Lydia's hand and walking with her towards their destiny. [hr] Lydia wasn't expecting her hand to be held but she wasn't going to complain. At least she wasn't entirely alone after all. But at Fiona giving some more details the dark haired girl made a correctional "[color=slategray]Shh.[/color]" Much like her parents would do when she was speaking when she shouldn't. They were supposed to be hiding.