[url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0y4SNucf12U]Video That Inspired The Idea[/url] November 1st, 1955 - April 30th, 1975 ____________________ • Simple disclaimer: I highly respect the men and women that have served in this war, and I do not have any intention of using real person(s) in any reference of dishonor. In fact; this RP would be completely Non-Fiction for the most part, units being completely OC, except for the MOS'. I even plan on biting the bullet and implementing females in the combat ranks allowing them to be in the Infantry. Something that still isn't allowed in the US Army to this day, but would allow everyone who would be interested to participate. ____________________ • Setting: - The year is 1965, and the Vietnam War is pitting the fires of failure. The American people protest everyday against it, and everyone has lost faith in the government. However, this hasn't stopped the draft. With hundreds being drafted into military service each week, one wonders how many actually make it back in one piece. You are an average man or woman, who has either volunteered or has been drafted into the US Army, Infantry as your job. You say goodbye to your family and ship out, completing the somewhat rushed bootcamp portion of yourtraining. Bootcamp only lasted 8 weeks; and now you will be sent to your actual deploying unit, who is heading towards 'Tiger Land' in Fort Polk Louisiana to conduct your AIT portion of your training, lasting 2 weeks. This will be where everyone will start off in the RP, entering Tiger Land for the first day of training. The unit will be called the '1st Infantry Marauders', and here you will be analyzed and taught the proper procedures of handling yourself for the actual 'war fight' portion of the RP. This part is heavily stressed due to the detailed nature in war, and gunfights in general. Depending on how well the tiger land portion of this RP goes, I would be more than happy to send the 1st Infantry Marauders into the most horrid area's of Vietnam to experience it all. *To the best of my ability anyway*. I'm willing to start the RP with a minimum of 5, and stop taking CS's at 10 people. It would be insanity to have more than that. I wouldn't want to take new people of an old RPer dropped out either; due to how much information must be put on the table for something like this to even work correctly. I'm not a huge fan of realism, but I am when it comes to war. When I read bullshit about a guy running out into a group of enemy's with a dagger when he has a fully loaded carbine; I get a little ticked off. I'm not too picky about character Bio's either; Vietnam took all kinds. However, I expect your Bio to be well thought out, and for it to make sense. You don't have to tell your complete life story or anything; but I would love to hear about the major events your character went through in his/her life. Character progression would also be a major factor to make this RP successful. People changed during this war, not everyone enters the military able to kill without a second thought. I sincerely hope that nobody finds this RP idea offensive in anyway shape or form. This RP is mostly for educational purposes, and is not a 'tool to bring hate towards our veterans.' There will be limitless cussing, and nothing held back towards character description. Gore and violence will happen in massive amounts; so I recommend all RPers to be 16+ years of age. That's only a recommendation though, I'm not your mother. If you can open your mind to an RP of this nature being younger than that, you actually belong here more than I do.