Miff put his gun away as he noticed Linia helping him out, which enabled him to grab his plasma spear and he was going to charge lucien, when he disappeared in an odd fashion with a woman grabbing him? That confused him, but he was sure he would be able to ask the heros about what happened there a little later on. He then noticed a huge figure, it must have been Calamity, go after some new arrival that apparently could whip up winds like it was nothing. Then Calamity turned on the new arrival and looked to try and destroy the guy with a punch, miff charged at Calamity and lunged with his plasma spear in a downward thrust, intending to impale the guy's leg, hoping to at least have Calamity miss his punch. ---------- Clark woke up with a massive headache, "Ugh, what the hell?" he grumbled to himself, before his eyes cleared and he saw that he was in one of the hotel's room that he had searched previously. Then he looked down and saw that he was tied down to a bed post and he struggled with his arms to try and free himself. Unfortunately for him, he was having no progress trying to get away. He then finally noticed Hanson and Clark growled, "You fool tied me up.... Your going to regret that. You can also lessen how much you regret by telling me where the dude with the Staff went.", he glared pure hatred at Hanson waiting for his answer.