I Am the God Of: Misguided intentions and Ill-begotten secrets. My Powers Include, but Are Not Limited To: manipulating the minds of mortals into acts of madness and debauchery, and starting uncontrollable uprisings that can topple kingdoms. My Name Is: Lethos. The People Who Devote Themselves To Me Are Called: Lethanites. I was the Creator's: most clever and easily bored creation. I Gain My Strength From: Malcontent, envy, hatred and suffering. I am Master of the Realm of: Teilrein. My Realm is a Place of: Madness, unrest and absolute FUN! To Mortals, My Face Is: [img]http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/1278241/125595470/stock-vector-on-the-image-the-politician-giving-to-interview-is-presented-125595470.jpg[/img] To My Kin, My Face Is: [img]http://www.botegadistributing.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/478d02811f1380f00c831ca9706f0fd4/8/8/8850_1.jpg[/img] I Carry This Relic, That Cements My Power: A Dagger that turns on, and destroys all bonds of trust and love. I Have Emerged in: The Arman Forest.