[Bran] Darkness. Why was it dark? Oh. Bran slowly lifted his eyelids halfway. Up and down...up and down bumped the clouds in the sky with the rhythm of the car. The clouds looked so tranquil, despite their gray exterior's promise of a turbulent storm. Up and down, up and down, it was just like that day. It had been the last day Bran had gone to a normal school. He'd looked up into his father's dark, disappointed eyes. His mother had a mixed expression of confusion, pride, and anguish. How could her good-natured son have had such an impulse as to vandalize school property? Bran had just been accepted to the greatest private school since Japan's Naraka, and he had risked it all going on this wild one-day prank spree. It was almost as if he had been trying to prove something. From the passenger seat, she had sighed and looked at him with teary eyes as his gaze floated out of the window to join the bobbing clouds. Well, now that he had been expelled from high school, his parents had no choice but to let him go to Skyline. Happy and sad, the emotions had intertwined and run along his mother's face in a chaotic ripple. "I hope you're happy," his mother's voice had finally managed to sputter out. "Do you hear me? Bran, do you hear me?" Bran just looked out at the clouds, bobbing along. Bobbing along. "Bran, do you hear me? We're almost there." It was the present-day mom getting his attention now. Bran looked to the left of the bobbing clouds and saw the giant figure in the sky looming overhead. It was why he was chosen. He could almost feel its call resonating in his chest. When Bran finally got to the classroom, he paid the others no mind. He knew something big was soon to happen. He figured he'd make friends then. The teacher told them to write down a word. He didn't give it a second thought. He just wrote down the first thing that came to mind and tuned out the world. He looked at the clouds and the figure in the sky. Even though he was no longer in the car, life still rippled to him. Bobbing and bobbing, up and down up and down. Then it all stopped when the Blight began.