[@czechmate46] Hunter looked at the hatchet and smiled. "This thing? I had a lot of practice. I found the shotgun here about 3 weeks into this mess in one of the apartments. My truck though already had some tools in it, so it was a choice between this, a hammer, or some screw drivers. Hatchet seemed more badass. So I practiced and got decent." He finished packing his bag. "If you want the gun feel free to keep it, I have another one back at my place. Which reminds me you need a safe place? My floor is completely clear." Hunter was in need of people he could trust, He had met only a few people who haven't tried to kill him since this started. All dead now. He walked behind the counter, sometimes they had neat things there. "I have a mix of everything. Weapons, food, water, Even some junk food, everyone was so busy looting the canned goods they left behind the treats. Sure you get sick of them after eating them for a week but give it another week and you will be fine." He looked at the bag of medicine. "Well everything except meds, unless you have arthritis, then I have you covered. Prescription and all."