[img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ujKJY5AoyHo/VWejbMDlWbI/AAAAAAAAN94/0lVrikkMwHs/s1600/schmidt%2Bgif.gif[/img] I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. I adore New Girl and I happened upon the picture I used for Wolf and I had to take a moment to debate whether or not I really wanted it that badly. And then I thought, "Well, the style gives off that perfect flair I envisioned for Wolf Ezra and the opportunity is just staring me in the face." I continued that pro/con argument with myself for about an hour or two. As you can see, I CAVED. Don't judge me because I'm so weak willed. ;-; [img]http://thats-normal.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/tumblr_lwacu3hfyA1qbbphmo1_400.gif[/img]