[h3][color=7bcdc8]Aiden Carren 6:45 AM; Northwood Academy Halls[/color][/h3] "[color=7bcdc8][b]What has been bugging you lately?[/b][/color]" Silence met the question, the clicking of flats on linoleum the only sound worth noting in the empty hallway. Aiden's eyes didn't quite relate to her noiseless surroundings, though, they instead focused on something that wasn't there, gleaming bright with quizzical light. They shifted as her unseen conversation partner probably did, and though her eyes gleamed with intense curiosity her face was simply a blank slate. Stoic and pale in the low-wat lighting. "[color=7bcdc8][b]Why are you acting so strange, it's annoying.[/b][/color]" She swatted at something no one else could see, turned her head forward and quickened her stride down the hall, turning a corner until she was faced with another empty brick wall. Where the hell was the music room? Her hand traveled to her sling bag, clenching around the map of the school she had been given just the day before. Much to her annoyance, Aiden had wandered in the complete opposite direction of her first classroom, and with a huff she turned, traveling back down the hall with slightly quicker steps. Around her, at least, through her eyes, a collection of discolored people followed. Some were simply floating in her wake, staring ahead with their usual big, glossy eyes, but others were attempting to poke her, hands reaching forward ad then backing away with sudden shyness. They were all so silent, not even attempting to whisper to her, and there was fear burning in their eyes. It was unusual behavior, but the most unusual part about all of it was the fact that the one ghost that always clung to her, a small girl she named Diana, was doing this as well. "[color=7bcdc8][b]D, don't copy these new guys. They're weird.[/b][/color]" The child shook her head slowly, hands clasping at the hem of her nightgown, and then simply clung onto Aiden's right arm as she usually did. Diana was one of the few ghosts that would follow her everywhere; the only one from back home that clung to her all the way to America. She knew everything about the child, her habits, her way of pulling pranks, her immense psychic power, and seeing her act so frightened amidst all these new faces caused a bit of anxiety to dwell in Aiden's chest. [i]no no dont let this stress you out its a new school new life youll be fine perfectly fin-[/i] Having your thoughts cut off was an odd feeling, but Aiden experienced it so suddenly as her eyes connected with a familiar face. A woman stood at the end of the hall, looking unnaturally familiar, almost like her mother, and she was staring forward with such terrified eyes. Distraught, Aiden took a step back, then tilted her head as she realized the ghost wasn't approaching. There was silence, save from the sudden harsh buzzing from the surrounding spirits, and then with a shake of her head she stepped towards the unusual ghost slowly, making sure to keep her eyes soft and kind. As she got closer to the spirit, prepared to accept another soul into her dead posse, the shadows suddenly seemed to grow, and just as she was an arm length away from the spirit she vanished, swallowed by the sudden darkness behind her. Aiden let out a surprised yelp at the action, tumbling back into a crouch as her eyes stared wildly at the spot where the ghost had stood. Around her, the others were oddly still, staring at her and humming with excited, frightened energy, and Diana clung to her right arm with a cold grip. "[color=7bcdc8][b]That... That was... That was new.[/b][/color]" She whispered, mostly to herself, straightening with no trouble. Her eyes glanced across the hall again, hoping no one caught sight of her embarrassing act, and then with another glance at the map still clenched in her fist she continued towards the music room, feet now gliding across the floor with a light jog.