Far away, on the outskirts of the rubbish dump that surounded the city, Enigma sat with Lord Farad infront of the screen of a box computer. This was just a tempory set up so as not to get found performing the hack but Nathan liked it here. There were spare parts, houses nearby to mooch internet and electricty from and no one ever came here. It was a lot warmer than that tavern they met Clark in earlier as well. He hope Clark hadnt done a second rate job. He pulled his mind back to the task at hand. "Everyone of them? Are you sure?" He asked Farad one last time. Without waiting for an answer he pressed enter and the city turned black. The lights just poofed out lke ahuge fuse had blown or a master switch had been flicked. Well most of them any way. A few stayed on there placement seemed random to the people on the ground but anyone in a plane could plainly see the huge question mark burning brightly in the city. "Now I still dont see how this will help but if you say it will disrupt Calamity and the heros I believe you" Nathan said to Lord Farad who he stil had to make a mental effort not to call Derek.