Name: Magnolia Lovissa Appearance: [hider=Maggy][img][/img][/hider] Age: 22 Gender: Female Where you from?: Fayette, Iowa Personality: She tends to adapt depending on who she hangs out with - she's not fake, just a survivor. She cares about humans as a whole, tends not to judge anyone from experience, and if she likes - or, god forbid, [i]loves[/i] - anyone, her love is deep and hard to lose, even if she tries to let you go. A huge adrenaline junkie, she lives for the risk - and when there was none, she'd use other methods to get her high. Back Story: Growing up in a small town with a corn farmer as her father and an attorney for a mother, Magnolia spent a lot of time alone before she got her license at sixteen - but once she had it, she was never at home. She made friends with what parents call 'the wrong crowd' at school, and most of her free nights were spent by the dam on the river in a little hollow in the limestone cliffs - perfect for having a campfire, or things less legal, without being seen - or at her friends' houses, blowing smoke with her buddies. Once she was eighteen, she bought a bike and took off, determined to see as much of the country - or world if she could afford it - as she could, mostly roaming across the United States, sometimes renting an apartment or calling on friends to crash with so she could work for a few weeks and get her cash moneyflow up again. After exploring much of the west coast, she'd headed east, having been in NYC for about two months before the outbreak hit. Weapons: [hider=Ruger][img][/img](Purple because she has a sense of humor)[/hider] [hider=Glock 20][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Tactical knife][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Weatherby Mark V][img][/img][/hider] Vehicle: [hider=Ducati 848 EVO][img][/img][/hider] Other: She has a couple of triggers - one of which being people grabbing her arms/wrists, from a time when she'd been a child walking home from school and been grabbed from behind, tied up, and left in a garage for three days, and another being - well, most of them are about people being behind her. If you walk up behind her and say 'boo', she won't yelp - she'll punch you in the gut, and that's getting off lightly. When she's triggered, her brain shuts down and gives in to self-defense, even when it's unnecessary. She always apologizes profusely when any such event happens, but beyond getting tied up, she refuses to share the reason she's so jumpy - she refuses to tell what [i]else[/i] happened in the garage. [hider=Tattoo]It's on the back of her right hip [img][/img][/hider]