[hider=Napoli Fiordilatte] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/BBeJ9fR.png?2[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/kqAYDNV.png[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Napoli Fiordilatte [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Weapon:[/b] Napoli’s primary weapon is an elegant rapier named [i]Mercutio[/i]. It is a rapier with a swept hilt design, and made out of a gleaming silver metal. [i]Mercutio [/i]is most often used in tandem with Napoli’s other weapon [i]Arsene[/i]. In contrast to [i]Mercutio[/i], [i]Arsene [/i]is a traditional short sword breaker capable of transforming into a pistol. Like most sword breakers, one side of [i]Arsene [/i]possesses numerous notches capable of catching blades. The other side is bladed and thus capable of acting as a typical dagger. The pistol mode fires standard dust rounds loaded via a magazine into the cross guard. The final trick of [i]Mercutio [/i]and [i]Arsene [/i]is their ability to combine into [i]Scapino[/i], a sniper. [i]Scapino [/i]is a long bolt-action sniper that allows for Napoli to perform in his primary role as long ranged support. [i]Scapino [/i]is comprised of [i]Arsene [/i]utilizing the longer [i]Mercutio [/i]as a barrel, and fires high caliber armor piercing dust rounds. [b]Specialty:[/b] Napoli primarily acts as the long ranged sniper for Team VGNB (Vignoble), lending them support from a distance. It is not unusual to see Napoli lying in the grass as he takes out enemies currently engaged with his fellow teammates. His position as a sniper though, does rob Napoli of defensive capabilities. However while he may act primarily as a sniper, Napoli is no slacker when it comes to close ranged combat. [i]Mercutio [/i]and [i]Arsene [/i]allow Napoli to function extremely well as a duelist that prefers to stay light on his feet, almost dancing around the opponent. As a duelist, Napoli is best suited for one on one combat, as his weapons don’t lend themselves to well to dealing with multiple enemies. Like most duelists, Napoli’s attacks make sure to take advantage of weaknesses in his opponent’s guard, and he’ll use [i]Arsene [/i]to create openings by intercepting attacks. [b]Semblance:[/b] [i]Azioni Volanti[/i] - Napoli’s semblance is all about redirection, just as his jokes can be infuriating and take advantage of his opponent, so too does his power. Essentially, it allows Napoli to use his aura to guide objects. For instance he can curve the path his own bullets thereby enabling him to make otherwise impossible shots, but he is also capable of curving flight paths of opponent’s bullets. In doing so, Napoli allows for many more near misses on his own person. However Napoli is not limited to just bullets, and is capable of causing swords and other weapons to just barely miss him by the use of his semblance. However the larger the object, the more it eats up his aura to use his power, thus forcing Napoli to rely primarily on his own dodging abilities. Manipulating a sword strike for instance, could take up a good quarter of Napoli’s aura, and the semblance itself is most effective when it comes to minor redirections. Thus while near misses may not take up too much of his aura, causing a dead on attack from a sword to completely miss would generally fall outside the range of Napoli’s abilities. [i]Azioni Volanti[/i] therefore acts as an extension of Napoli’s own dodging abilities, and is best utilized for dodging attacks that would have barely scraped him in the first place. In addition, due to the power eating up his aura, Napoli’s natural defense is often quite lower than that of his peers. Ultimately while powerful, it is a skill best used sparingly for its tendency to severely weaken Napoli. [b]Personality:[/b] Napoli is a jokester, often amusing himself at the expense of others. In particular he loves mocking opponents in combat, and thus often infuriates his opponents and even his teammates with the dumb comments he is constantly making. Napoli views life as a game, preferring to enjoy himself with his jokes and taunts rather than worry about some of the deeper intricacies and busy work of life. As such he often comes across as rather laid back and casual in day to day conversations. Napoli is also rather outgoing, quick to drag others into conversation and offer a helping hand to those in need. So that he can then follow up with some dumb joke. It is not uncommon to see Napoli snarking about the situations he ends up in, because while may be a little outgoing, he is still a relatively normal guy. For the most part, Napoli is just an amiable bloke who bickers constantly with his irksome teammate Gratia. However, when Napoli is extremely angered he falls deathly quiet in a rather unnerving fashion. Suffice to say, such a state has only been achieved a few times in Napoli’s life. [b]Color:[/b] Naples Yellow (Hex Code: FADA5E) [b]Emblem:[/b] A black swept-hilt rapier facing downwards contained within a naples yellow spade. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Image] [img]http://i.imgur.com/y5jg9nI.jpg[/img] [/hider] Standing just over 6 feet, Napoli is fairly tall and walks with a rather lax posture. He appears to possess a perpetual grin plastered across his face, and is commonly seen wearing a brown leather vest over a yellow shirt. His rugged black pants have obviously seen much use, and are accompanied by equally worn down brown boots. In addition, Napoli likes to wear brown leather gloves to keep his hands clean. Obviously while in class, Napoli wears the Haven Uniform, although he leaves the jacket unbuttoned. [/hider]