[h2]Winner:[/h2] [i]disqualified, pending further action.[/i] [h2]Runners-Up: 'King' by [@RomanAria] and 'Enhanced' by [@Ellri][/h2] Each received two votes, and each put a [i]tremendous[/i] effort into this contest -- Roman took on most of the actual work running the show this month, and Ellri's novella (and let's not forget -- their prompt and thoughtful critiques!) really made a strong impression. [h3]Honorable Mentions[/h3] [@KeyGuyPerson] for once again blowing our collective minds with 'A Small House.' Well-received and well-loved by let's face it, every single one of us. We love you [@KeyGuyPerson]. [anonymous] for 'A Thought About Power.' [@Alice] for 'The Power of Bullying.' [@NewSun] for 'Artificial Light.' [@SilverWolfAngel] for 'Power, or the Lack Thereof.' (if the anonymous folks would like to reveal names, I'll edit you in so you can bask in the glory!) [h2]Bonus Categories[/h2] [b]Black Turtles in the Void[/b] -- [i]disqualified, pending further action[/i] [b]Batteries Not Included[/b] -- 'Artificial Light' by [@NewSun]. This could've gone to a couple other entries, notably 'Small House' by [@KeyGuyPerson], but 'Artificial Light' was the better fit overall for our arbitrary category, and it's also one of my personal favorite stories of the batch, so I'm thrilled to be able to give an award. [b]Captain Planet[/b] -- I've been pulling my hair out trying to trying to decide between two, and then I realized I'm the boss, so why not both? [@ScienMalefica] for 'Rainbow Oblivion' and [@Psyga315] for 'Power, Literal and Figurative' each get a prize. [b]King of the Hill[/b] -- Perhaps ironically, 'Powerless' by [@PlatinumSkink] swept the category. We loved the compelling story of a nothing-sized kid rising to the challenge and seizing (perhaps short-lived) power on the battlefield -- enough to rival his own king's commands! Several others were considered for this category but I can't possibly name you all -- regardless, good job to the lot of you. [h2]This concludes the official activity for RPGC #2[/h2] There's plenty more conversation to be had, about the winners, the entries, and the writers -- knock yourselves out. Work begins on RPGC #3 and we have [i]one more[/i] slot open if anyone wants to lend us a hand -- our 'Get Involved' thread seems frozen, but you can PM me in the next day or so and I'll get you on board. And of course don't forget about [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/81426-ttl-the-second-labour/ooc]the Second Labor[/url], currently accepting submissions. Thanks to everyone for making my job easy and enjoyable. And as always, keep writing!