[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Joshua Tamashii[/color][/h2] [color=ed1c24]Where: Akane Town, resort Who: Angelo For:[/color][@Jangel13][/center] "[color=ed1c24]How was I supposed to know you could. I don't even know what your magic is for that matter[/color]." Joshua said before listening to Angelo's estimate on the number of enemies remaining, which caused him to curse under his breathe. The way things were going, he might end up rather injured by the time they were done here, if not possibly dead by some unfortunate accident. He guessed it was time to get serious. The question was if he and Angelo should stick together or split up. If he had to guess, from what he had seen, the last of the ransackers would be in a group so it was probably best to stick together." [color=ed1c24]Alright then, let's take these bastards out. We should probably stick together. So let's get going and finish this already[/color]." After consulting with Angelo about where they had each found the groups of thieves they had fought and figured that the last group would be in the one area they hadn't hit yet: the resort's casino. While navigating the building and helping any remaining civilians, they would reach the casino, where, sure enough, the remaining thieves where, trying to take all the money stored in the machines. The thieves spotted the two mages fairly quickly and readied their weapons, but Joshua was no longer in the mood to play fair. Not like the thieves had been playing fair all day. "[color=ed1c24]I'll take half[/color]." He said before stepping forward, which caused a couple of thieves to charge. Joshua's katana glowed slightly before vanishing into thin air, holding out his hand, the air in front of it glowed before a new sword took it's place. The sword was shorter, probably only a little over a foot long, with most of that foot being the blade. The sheathe was coated in ice and a small amount of cold mist surrounded it, though the cold didn't seem to bother Joshua. The thieves skidded to a halt upon seeing Joshua switch weapons, the sight making them hesitate. That was all Joshua needed and he acted quickly. He drew the [url=http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d144/xxzombiewolfgirlxx/Frost_edge_Katana_by_Escrimator_zps058ed978.jpg]sword[/url], using his magical energy to have the blade release a barrage of icicles at his enemies, who were slow to react and taken down in seconds, though none of the blows were fatal. Readying his new weapon, Joshua waited for the others to start moving forward, though Joshua was more curious about how Angelo would take these enemies on. [center][h2][color=662d91]Jack, the Maiden of the Mist[/color], [color=00aeef]Elyse Yashia[/color], and [color=fff200]Amelia Averyonna[/color][/h2] [color=662d91]Where: Phoenix Wing Guild Hall[/color] [color=00aeef]With: Rose, Prince, Jack[/color] [color=fff200]For:[/color] [@Amaya Tamashii] [@Zarkun] [@Silver Fox][/center] "Oh... okay. Thank you Master Jack. Sorry for bothering you." Amelia said, once the confrontation seemed to come to an end. Some more mages had come back to the guild and Jarvis seemed to be rather busy so she decided not to bother him. Sasha and Lazarus might want time alone, given what had happened and Joshua was away, so all her friends in the guild were currently occupied. Sighing, she went over to the bar and took a seat, her wings folding up so that they wouldn't bother anyone who might try to sit next to her. Jack was still waiting by the doorway, more then eager to leave now that everything had calmed down. She was slightly curious as to what her new home would look like. Elyse was more the happy when the fight stopped and even happier when Rose called her and Prince over for food. She laughed as Prince picked her up and set her in a seat before Rose placed her favorite meal in front of her along with a glass of milk. "[color=00aeef]Thank you Mommy[/color]." She said before she began eating. She wasn't completely oblivious to the conversation going on around her, and while most of it flew over her head. Luckily she didn't know the word vacation yet so the fact that Jamie was going to be away for a while didn't hit her yet. Prince getting ice cream she understood though." [color=00aeef]Ice cream[/color]?!" She asked the cat-man, giving him an excited look.