There were a couple good candidates for X-gene in this rave. There was a guy who didn't seem affected by the gallons worth of ethanol he had poured down his throat. At least one person was obviously making an attempt to obscure their form under a baggy windbreaker. They were not popular with anyone they tried to dance with. And there was the girl who smelled like... gasoline? Maybe she was actually soaked in it, Isabel [i]did[/i] notice that she made a beeline away from anyone who was smoking. And there were the guys(and not a few girls) who were obviously interested in Isabel. It wasn't a foolproof indication; some humans found her "exotic" or some sexist bullshit. But most of the time humans were grossed out by her, and it at least pointed to people who were open to her existence. She was considering approaching the booze-chugging possible-mutant, when it happened. A door opened, most people didn't notice, but she was often on the look out for this sort of thing. Men with guns, making their way through the rave, trying to be low key. The strobe lights covered muzzle flash, but even the music couldn't drown out the gunshots. Isabel started to make her way to the other side, meaning to slip out on the other side. These people were in trouble, but it wasn't her problem. It didn't matter, she was near the door when three of them caught up to her. They raised guns and were clearly ready to fire. She put her hands in the air and got down on her knees. She had been a part of enough protests to know the deal. Most of the time, she would be out within forty eight hours of acquiring a lawyer. It certainly helped that she had committed no recent crimes, and none in this state. In the mean time, the more rights abuses they inflicted on her, the worse their case would be. But they didn't care that her hands were up. That she was on her knees, clearly surrendering. They opened fire. When she saw the muzzle flash, she tried to deflect the bullets with her mind, but all she could do was slow them. They hit her, slowed down but still enough to knock her backwards. It was like being hit repeatedly by a baseball bat. She fell backwards, large blotchy bruises rising on her body and blood gushing from her blackened cheek.