[center][h2]Jack Goran|Phoenix Wing Guild Hall[/h2][/center] Master Jack smiled at Amelia as she thanked him for the answer. [color=Turquoise]"My dear, it was no bother at all. In fact, I was glad I could try to help."[/color] Waving to her as she walks away, he approaches Jarvis's office and knocks on the door before entering, making sure he wouldn't walk in on anything he wasn't supposed to hear. [color=Turquoise]"I'll be taking my leave now, Master Jarvis. Gotta get Jackie back to our guild hall and get her situated. If you need help, don't hesitate to contact me and I'll do what I can."[/color] Shaking his hand, Jack leaves and once more approaches Jackie and beckons out the door. [color=Turquoise]"Shall we?"[/color] And with that, he leads the way out into the streets of Magnolia, smiling and waving at the people who recognized him and tried to get his attention. Eventually the pair reached the train station and boarded a train bound for Shirotsume Town and Jack's, the former assassin who was trying to turn a new leaf, new home.