The once bright city had gone dark, pitch black and night was approaching, but night was perfect for Guilt, after all if he was going to go out and find things to do he would need the cover of night to bring out the type of men who hired people like Guilt. This was filled with the wicked...filled with people who live to hurt the innocent...people who would soon meet the icy metal hands of death. Guilt took off into the air and started flying across the sky, his first stop would be his current mission, a man who ran drugs for the Mafia was in town, responsible for the death of countless children and the sale of young women into the sex trade, James Woods a name that would soon fade into the news, "Death approaches James Woods." Alice nodded to Dr Lancaster, "Alice listen its time the heroes are going to need all the help they can get...go to them Thasseldar will know my name...tell him I sent you...he can point you in the right direction." Alice hugged her dad, "And if you see your brother...hide from him...please Alice..." Alice nodded and started floating a bit, "Don't worry dad...I'll be alright I promise. I can help the heroes...I'll do my best." With one last smile Alice took off into the air and flew to the life signal given off by Thasseldar, she went into attack mode when she spotted Calamity, but by the time she made it he was gone, Alice landed right next to Thasseldar and looked him over, "Hello...I am model SX13 also known as Alice...Dr Lancaster sent are wounded can I please apply medical attention to your wounds so that we might speak comfortably?"