[@Guardian Angel Haruki] I'm glad you've shown interest in this! Here is the CS. Once we both have our characters ready, I'll make the IC thread so that we can start. [u][b]CS[/b] (when you post your list of characters, have your designated protagonist character at the top of the list)[/u] Name: (Your character's name.) Gender: (Your character's gender. We should have four boys and four girls each, unless you make a non-binary character.) Age: (Typically 15-18, unless they're a special case. Such as having a character who skipped a few grades, or held back a couple grades.) Talent: (Can be talents that are already canon since this is a different school. However, original talents would be preferred. At most, two canon talents would be ok. Also, there won't be a lucky student during this, nor a ??? student.) Appearance: (What your character looks like.) Outfit: (The clothes your character wears.) Personality: (What your character is like.) Personal Information: (This section is basically a personal notes section for your character such as their backstory and what their general character arc will be. This part does NOT get posted and is meant to be kept to yourself.)