North smiled at Cal, though he wasn’t sure what the point was, the man could see right through the forced action and he knew it. Maybe it was more of a sign of ‘I’m alright’. However Alaska called him right out on it and he simply gave her the same attempt at a smile. “I just didn’t sleep well.” He assured her, answering both their questions at the same time. He decided not to go into detail on the answer though, since he thought the others would think he was being stupid if he told them that he couldn’t sleep because of South’s absence. Somehow ‘the room was too quiet’ or ‘it had a different feeling’ just didn’t sound like answers that he should be giving. Alaska may understand, but then again her and her brother had been separated a lot longer than he and South had, and it wasn’t fair comparing because both sets of siblings had drastically different dynamics and relationships. So instead he decided to focus on the other topic he had quick access to. “Clearly Cal had a good night’s sleep, I might need to borrow some of the drugs they gave you.” He said with a small chuckle. “Seriously though it’s nice to see you… half way up? Too soon? Are you sure you should be up and about all ready?” He was sure the doctors, not to mention Iowa, would probably disagree with the move. But at the same time he understood what it was like to want to get out of a hospital as soon as possible. So long as Cal wasn’t doing any more damage to himself North really had no objections to it. Cal was a good guy, he knew his limits better than anyone else so North was sure he would be fine.