[h2]Sindri Holt + Amy Snow[/h2] [h3]Monday, 12:30-1:05 PM[/h3] Sindri had found the first few classes of the day to be pretty good so far. He hadn’t needed to go out of his way to meet anyone, so he had a few more people that he could talk to when he felt like it. When lunch time came, though, Sindri got a sandwich, looking around and wondering if he could find anyone he recognized. One stood out, and he headed over towards Amy. “Got any free space?” He asked cheerfully. “Sure thing Sindri, have a seat.” Amy gestured to the empty spot across from her. “How was your first day?” Sindri shrugged. “Only halfway over so far, but so far it’s not bad at all. Got a nice run in during track.” He said simply, taking a seat across from Amy and going about giving the food a try. It wasn’t horrible, but it was at least edible. This food might make him go almost vegetarian if this kept up. “How about you? Have a good day so far?” “Yep, we made scones in Home Ec, and they were delicious. I have half of one left over if you want to try?” Amy reached over and lifted from the seat a small package, and slid it over to Sindri. Sindri looked at the package and nodded. “Huh, maybe I should have taken home ec. Always nice to be able to make a tasty treat. I’ll give it a try, sure.” He replied to her, opening up the package. He pulled out the scone and took a bit of it, not sure if she was offering the whole half or not, so he opted to play it safe and tear off a piece before eating it. He gave a nod. “Pretty good, I’d say.” “Glad you like it.” Amy grinned brightly. “You can finish it off. I’m not going to, and Luca only wanted the other half.” Sindri grinned a bit. “Oh, thanks then.” he said cheerfully, going ahead and taking a bite, enjoying it a little. Idly, he looked up at the clock, reminding himself of what time it was. 12:59. Okay, that was good. Plenty of time to relax and enjoy the food and company for the time. “I owe you something tasty.” “Thanks. So did you get a chance to read the books at all last night?” Amy asked, after she finished chewing her bite of food. “Yeah, got through about a third of [i]Goldfinger[/i], and I figure by the end of the week I’ll have either finished or gotten mostly through [i]Stranger in a Strange Land[/i]” he replied with a nod. Hold on, that’s odd. Everything had stopped. This was an awkward thing for Sindri. Usually, of course, time did not just up and stop for no discernable reason, especially in a way that he recognized as similar to his own. He hadn’t even seen when the time had actually paused, absorbed as he was in telling Amy about what he was reading. Idly, he looked at his watch. Not moving. Yep. Definitely stopped. [i]“Hmph. Weird. Maybe I should tell the Headmistress.”[/i] He thought to himself before going to relax a bit, counting silently to himself. When time reasserted its usual progress, Amy might have seen that he had seemed to flicker, moving as if reality were a movie reel and he’d just skipped a few frames and ended up in a slightly different position than he’d started. And he looked a bit pale. “You okay?” Amy asked, tilting her head slightly, and glancing up at the wall clock. Sindri looked back at Amy and frowned a little. “Mmm, maybe not. Maybe I should go see the nurse or something.” He said. “Do you know where Nurse Joy’s office is? Hope it wasn’t the scone.” “Yeah, I managed to find all the important buildings and places I figured I’d need yesterday. Sorry to bolt like this, but I’m going to see if I can see her before lunch is over. And unless you poisoned it I doubt that it’s the scone. Heck, if it was I’d still eat it again.” Amy laughed. Sindri went to clean up and start towards the exit.