Gwen, unsure of what was going on, walked up the stairs, following Phil and the others. There were two trucks, most likely to take them wherever they were supposed to be going. [i]"The next time I have a weird dream that tells me to go to some obscure place, I'm not going to listen to it," [/i] she grumbled in her head. No one was entering the truck, which kind of made sense since this was suspicious as hell. She glanced over at Gary and asked in a sassy tone, "How about I follow you guys in my own car? Because there is no way I am getting in that, letting you take me who knows where." She knew he wasn't going to say yes, but it was worth a shot. Also, she kind of left her car at home, and she doubted he was going to trust her enough to go back to get it and meet them back here. But she really did not like the idea of riding in a weird man's truck especially after he pointed guns at them.