Scott was still concerned about Sara going into face Richards alone. He had a feeling that Sara might be able to handle herself, but there were also stronger people with longer careers than hers that he saw Richards napalm in a matter of seconds. Many of them were lucky if they still had any kind of career in a hospital cleaning bedpans, or if they had any self-esteem left. Scott merely said, [B]"I gotta lotta patients to check on. Catch ya later."[/B] As he started to walk away he looked back at Sara and said, [B]"By the way. Great work in there as always. You're a credit to this place...." [/B]he smirked and said, [B]"Wonder Woman."[/B] Sara reminded him so much of the actress who played her, but more importantly she lived up to that nickname. Sara had more natural skill and talent than anyone else Scott had ever seen, except of course the guy in the mirror. As Scott began to make his rounds he went by the break room to pick up his tie, but then noticed something that made him concerned. Just down from the break room was Richards' office and there was conspicuous absence. He noticed that Richards' secretary was absent from her desk. Scott didn't know everything about the hospital but he knew that Richards' secretary would sooner wet her dress than leave that desk. Unless asked by him so that she couldn't be called to testify to anything that might've been said. Scott said under his breath,[B] "Oh hell."[/B] He took a deep breath and said, [B]"Well why not? I didn't want to have a career in medicine anymore." [/B]With that he took off to the office and opened the door and closed it just in time to hear Sara lay into Richards about sending him a bill. He then saw Richards stand up and say, "Young lady your mouth just wrote a check you can't even think of cashing. You are history Sara Bosworth. That's right I didn't call you doctor because after I make two phone calls your career in medicine is all over." Scott said, [B]"Okay that's it."[/B] He stood next to Sara and said,[B] "You're not calling anyone except maybe the board of directors to announce your retirement." [/B] Richards glared at Scott who said, "Dr. Scott if you wish to continue practicing medicine in this Hemisphere I suggest you walk away now." Scott shook his head said, [B]"Wrong answer Nellie. You see the last three years you've been skating by on your reputation. All the while you've created more widowers, widows, and orphans than the Black Plague and Small Pox on their best day."[/B] He glanced over to Sara and said, [B]"Or is it their worst day? I'm confused."[/B] He looked back to Nelson and said, [B]"The records speak for themselves. Not to mention last month your hands shook so bad in the OR Marx thought you were gonna cut off one of his fingers. You play politics and call in every favor you have just so you can make it to the next two years."[/B] Richards still glared at Scott but there was a softening in his glare almost as though he was afraid. Scott noticed this and knew it was time to go for the knockout. Scott said, [B]"That's right so you can say you were Chief Surgeon longer than anyone else and get a bonus payment in your pension every month. You laud the reputation of the department that you over see while standing on the backs of men and women who do the actual cutting and work. I can't remember the last time we saw you at a training session or doing an overnight shift." [/B] Richards took a deep breath and said, "You two have the right to make these judgments because you are the Golden Children of this department right now. I know full well i could take either one of you in front of the board of directors." He sat down and looked at both Sara and Kelly and said, "But both of you together,,,: he shook his head and said, "I don't have a chance ,and I know full well since I fired the first shot in this little battle of ours you two will fire the next one and it won't be pretty for me." For the first ever Dr, Nelson Richards sat in his chair beaten. He looked at Sara and said, "I won't make mention of this in any reports. You saved a patient and you should be commended for that Dr. Bosworth, but my pride..." he shook his head and then said to Scott, "This chair will be yours soon enough. I wish I could say congratulations but again my pride..." He looked at both of them and said, "One day one of you or the two may make breakthroughs in medicine, but be careful you don't start crossing lines that you know full well should never be crossed. We are doctors not Gods. That is a hard lesson to accept I hope you two are more gracious about it than me." Richards cut on his typewriter and said, "Now if you two will leave I have a letter of retirement to compose, and I'd prefer to do this alone." Scott looked at Sara and motioned to her that they should leave. For a moment that Scott had waited so long for the demise of Dr. Nelson Richards Scott actually felt like he just watched a patient die as he left the office.