[quote=@Agamous Devout] I like this idea. Except that Cithra isn't so petty as to do that for jealousy or vanity. Cithra is however pained by too much light. Imagine if your goddess attempted to be friendly with mine and mine took it as an attack. What do you think of that? Well, I dont think my goddess could create divine children on her own. (And I don't see her accepting love from a god, either.) If [@NarcissisticPotato]'s okay with it though, your god might have been created by my goddess blinding the goddess of light. [/quote] That very well could have happened! After all, Light would have been created by the Creator to banish Darkness so it would be understandable if she attacked her! Also, that idea of [@yoshua171]'s character being created by the blinding of the goddess of light could be very interesting! Maybe we could say that whenever she cut her eyes out, her true light bled into the abyss and this new God was formed?