"Greetings, strangers, and welcome to the main offices of BattleCorp™!!" says a voice, booming through the finely decorated hall. The sound of several typewriters and the chat between the employees of BattleCorp™ and a wide variety of clients fills the air. But they're not here for the same thing than you. [b]You[/b] want to become an [b]almighty [u]hero.[/u][/b] Because a simple propaganda poster that had filled the streets catched your attention not long ago... [hr] [center][h1][u][b][color=red]BattleCorp™ wants YOU![/color][/b][/u][/h1] [h2][color=crimson]To become one of their famed heroes![/color][/h2] [h3][color=slateblue]Tired of your common, boring office job? Perhaps your sad marriage left you unsatisfied? Looking for something more [color=deepskyblue][u]exciting[/u][/color] than cleaning the dog's [/color][color=saddlebrown][u]excrement?[/u][/color] [b][color=yellow]Then pay attention, good (wo)man, because this offer will change your [/color][color=red][u][i]ENTIRE[/i][/u][/color][color=yellow] life![/color][/b][/h3] BattleCorp™ is currently recruiting fellow citizens of all ages, genders, colors and sizes to form part of their special force and finally achieve your dreams! Are you missing an arm? We'll give you a new one! Perhaps you're unsatisfied with your weight and height? BattleCorp™ has a team of professional trainers and surgeons ready to give you the body you desire! Maybe you feel a bit too old? Not a problem for BattleCorp™! We will make you feel like you're in the peak of your youth in the snap of a finger! [h3][color=silver]So come over to our offices located at [color=black]******[/color], or call us to [color=black]******[/color], and become the living embodiment of strength and hope [/color][color=red][b][u]RIGHT NOW!!![/u][/b][/color][/h3] [h2]Will you miss this [color=gold][b][u]UNIQUE[/u][/b][/color] chance to become a [color=gold][b][u]LEGEND[/u][/b][/color]?[/h2] [/center] [hr] Hello, and welcome to BattleCorp™: Combatant Creator. Here, you can become [b]anything[/b] you want. A human soldier; an elven warrior; a robotic marauder; a pie catapult; you name it, you'll turn into that. With time, of course. BattleCorp™ has offered [b]you[/b] a chance to become whatever you want, [i]but[/i] you must first get there, so you will join their rigurous training program, on charge of the Head Summoner: Voice-Box-in-the-Corner-of-the-Room™. He will summon different creatures for you to fare against, and you must defeat them in order to achieve your dream. [center][h1]Will you miss this [color=gold][b][u]UNIQUE[/u][/b][/color] chance to become a [color=gold][b][u]LEGEND[/u][/b][/color]?[/h1][/center] [hr] The game has several mechanics that you should all be aware of. They're still subject of modifications, and other mechanics may be added in order to achieve balance: [h2][b][u]Mechanics[/u][/b][/h2] [list][*] I'll spawn an enemy for the players to fight, and give it an action every two days or so. [*] The actions are divided in [b]turns[/b], which last between each enemy post. [*] Every player may act [b]once[/b] per turn, unless otherwise stated by an active buff, trait or battle conditions. [*] The default attack is simply stating that you attack. It will deal (playerAttack - enemyDefense) damage. Damage cannot be negative unless a trait or something similar allows that to happen. [*] You are [i]not[/i] limited by simply attacking. Creativity when acting is encouraged (For example, you throw a stone you picked from the ground instead of simply attacking) as it may have additional effects. However, try to keep it somewhat simple and consistent. Be aware that those additional effects may [i]not[/i] be always benefical. [*] When you win a fight, you get EXP, which allows you to level up. This gives you some stat points and a skill point, which can be spent on a skill or a trait. The EXP gain chat would be something like this:[list] [*] [u]100%[/u] gain ratio from damage [b]dealt[/b] and damage [b]healed.[/b] [*] [u]50%[/u] gain ratio from damage [b]prevented.[/b] [*] [u]33%[/u] gain ratio from damage [b]received[/b][/list] [*] When an enemy dies, I'll give you some time to settle down (A turn, most times) and spend your stat and skill points. After that time, I'll spawn another enemy. This will go on for a while. [*] To use skills, an [color=yellow]Energy[/color] system will be implemented. Everyone will have a default 10 [color=yellow]Energy[/color] and 1 [color=gold]Energy/turn[/color] regeneration. Active skills will cost a certain amount of [color=yellow]Energy[/color], which can overlap with the [color=gold]regeneration[/color]. Both the maximum [color=yellow]Energy[/color] and its [color=gold]regeneration[/color] can be modified by [b]traits[/b], but not by StP [/list] [hr] Here you can see the Character Sheet. You can only add them to the character tab with my approval. [hider=Sheet] [b]Name:[/b] (Name of the character. Add epithets between parentheses after the name, if you have any) [b]Gender:[/b] (Gender) [b]Skills:[/b] (You'll start with only one skill. You ask if you can have X skill, I tell you yes/no and, if needed, the numerical value (for example, Damage Per Turn stat, or a heal), and energy cost) [b]Traits:[/b] (You start with no traits, but you can later get some. They're what could be called passive skills. [b]Stats:[/b] (There are only three stats: [color=red]Attack[/color], [color=blue]Defense[/color] and [color=green]Health[/color]. You have 7 stat points at the start of the game to distribute between these stats. Please remember that [color=green]Health Points[/color] increase by 5 per stat point applied) [i](You start with a base of [color=green]15[/color]/[color=blue]0[/color]/[color=red]0[/color])[/i] [b]Level:[/b] (You start at Level 1. The formatting if this would be something like this: Lvl: 1 EXP: 0/50) [b]Last modification:[/b] (Any time you make a modification, you add it here, along with the date.)[/hider] [hr] If you have any questions or suggestions, post them on the OC thread, or send them to me via PM. When the game starts, I'll make a Google Doc to use as a history tracker, so you can see the different fights that have happened. Good day, and hope you enjoy the game.