[centre] [hider=Illyia - the Blind Light] [h2]Who Are You?[/h2] [b]I Am the Goddess Of:[/b] Light and the Heavens [b]My Powers Include, but Are Not Limited To:[/b] [list] [*] [color=Gold]The Sun's Fury[/color] - During the daytime, when the sun makes it slow mile from east to west, I become a mistress of battle. My senses, strength and agility are heightened and I gain the ability to form weapons from the very light that I control. For this reason, the sun was always viewed as the harsher side of the Heavens as kings dreaded to anger the radiant Sun, fearing that I would wilt their crops and turns their lands into dunes of sand. [*] [color=Gold]The Moon's Embrace[/color] - At night, when the sun settles down beneath the horizon and the scarred moon emerges into the night sky, my beauty becomes so prized that maidens around the world send a prayer so that they may emulate such a beauty and men beg that I grace them with my company. My words become a gentle lull and few can refuse my soft commands. My light is the barrier between the light and the dark; the last great bastion in the eternal raging of good and evil. [*] [color=Gold]The Light's Maiden[/color] - I am capable of travelling faster than any being in existence. Although my speed pales in comparison to the light that I create, my speed allows me to cover great distances in a single day. It was always thought that this same speed is capable of matching the sun's climb through the sky as I was the Goddess who could answer the call of any of those worthy to receive me. [/list] [b]My Name Is:[/b] Illyia (Eel-ee-ya) [b]The People Who Devote Themselves To Me Are Called:[/b] The Lightbringers [b]I was the Creator's:[/b] Last and most beloved daughter. There was none that could match my beauty and my powers allowed life to flourish in my warming embrace. [b]I Gain My Strength From:[/b] With the Sun, I receive the power to wage holy battle upon my enemies. From the moon, I gain my beauty and my persuasion. And from the stars themselves, I used to gain the love of all beings who looked up in wonder and awe. [b]I am Queen of:[/b] The Heavens above. [b]My Realm is a Place of:[/b] Constant work. Those who I have created to maintain the immortal bodies work tirelessly to drag the sun up above the horizon and allow it to slip down again. Similarly, they guide the moon on its gentle path. When my vision was stolen from me, I used its dying embers to create the stars in the night sky so that all of existence would find use in my sacrifice. These stars are carefully balanced atop the Heavens. Those mortals whose sacrifice or great tale touches mine own heart, I pluck from the gardens of death and let them dance through my precious stars. [b]To Mortals, My Face Is:[/b] My appearance changes upon the time of day. [color=gold]The Dawn's Radiance:[/color] [hider][img]http://girltomom.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/anime-girl-braids.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=gold]The Moon's Maiden[/color] [hider][img]http://konachan.net/sample/365460de93e0665413dc9cae526014ff/Konachan.com%20-%20165015%20sample.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]I Carry These Relics, That Cement My Power:[/b] [hider=The Creator's Shackles] [img]https://sinibaldo.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/shackles-broken.jpg[/img] Although I am the most beloved of all the Creator's children; his heart was filled with great sorrow upon the moment of my creation as I was cursed to forever be binded to Voswurn and the events that occurred there. The shackles, although broken, are unbreakable by even Vas with his unholy strength. They have forever kept be bound to this world and they will continue to do so until the end of its (or my) existence. When the Mage Lords last rose up, they used their magic collectively to reforge the shackles and imprison me. With them reforged, my powers became weak and incapable. [/hider] [b]I Have Emerged at:[/b] Gundmar [/hider] [/centre]