Whilst getting a rune put on her the rain began to come down on Autumn. Where did it come from? It fell so fast that her vision was obscured. Taking a step back she tried to find some kind of cover. Before making it far though it cleared and she stepped right into water. Unable to stop herself she tumbled and fell with a splash. Flailing a bit she scrambled back onto land. She never was a particular fan of bodies of water. It made her slow and wet. For a moment she almost broke her disguise to get out. It was almost sad how something so simple could draw a panic. Back on semi-dry land she wrung the water out of her hair and looked around. Great, an illusion or mind trap. There others didn't seem to be immediately nearby. They were split up in some wet jungle. Who's mental construction could this be? Despite the noise of the wildlife to her it was eerily silent. Usually she could hear her spawn chattering everywhere, talking to her. But in this imaginary world she did not hold sway of them. Where the hell to begin. This place could be endless, filled with traps, monsters, and all manor of danger. All could be real to the mind. Speaking of which is was best to keep that in check. For now it was best to focus on finding the others or a way out. Anything else could just make the situation even worse.