[b] Vitralese [/b] Vitralese was glad to see her sister gain a stead, the best available, but the others were not her problem or her concern. When they began to leave Vitralese said nothing more than a sneer and grumble. Their cowardice would be paid back in full, it was just a matter of time before Father taught them the importance of following orders. Once they were gone of course Vitra could not help but feel more relaxed once she was alone with her sister. As the woman snickered Vitra turned to look at her while riding forward. “What is my sister?” Before Lina could respond she had stopped both their horses and drew their gazes forward. A large wolf stood before them, alone and growling fiercely. “Clearly he has no pack but let us find out.” With that Vitra slipped from her horse and stepped forward slowly, looking at the wolf with her hard eyes. The wolf’s sight was very good and soon he began to shift unhappily, growling and hunching over. “Seems he is not friendly.” Her voice was calm, intrigued. “What do you wish to do?” It was then that more wolves stepped forward, apparently hungry. “Seems I was mistaken.” Her voice shifted but she held her ground, if she rushed away the wolves would attack. "Shall I scare them off or let us have fun." She could feel the energy of the wolves. They were more fearsome than most, half crazed and full of a type of slimy life force. These were creatures of the shadows brought likely by their father...or created by him. As she watched Vitralese lifted a delicate hand up and released the clap about her neck which held the large cloak in place. The red velvet number swiftly fell and pooled behind her, showing the entirety of her white and heavy dress. Her arms now bare, almost painfully pale, she reached out her hand and grasped the handle of a dark whip as of suddenly appeared.