[color=red]"He's right, we should just talk about it on the way. From the way the map looks, our best bet on making good time is to go to the train closest to here and stay on that train until we make it to where the North District and North District meet."[/color] Damon said as he opened the door. [color=red]"I hate to rush everyone, but I also have no idea when the shops close either."[/color] Damon was ready to go, as always. It was in his nature to keep on the move. He had always been quick to do everything, which had a tendency to get him in trouble. As he looked over his teammates, he knew it would be a problem in combat. However, he'd already grown to trust them, and it was as if he knew they would have his back. He felt safe with his team. Damon didn't often ever feel safe working with anyone else, but something about today had reassured him that everything would be alright.