Alice transformed from her flight form to her normal form and opened hey left arm releasing nanites that started stitching his wounds closed until he was fully healed. Once they were finished the went back into her arm and after it closed she looked like a cute little blonde with bright blue eyes, "There we go! All healed...Now...I was told by my father that you could help guide me in helping the heroes..." Alice looked kind, a little dumb maybe but kind. Guilt landed at the docks and his body shifted to battle form, the glowing from his visor turned a dark red as he scanned the entire area, twelve men...all armed, "Wonderful..." Guilt simply walked inside through the boathouse front door, the guard by the door fired off his SMG out of reflex, to his terror the bullets bounced right off the metal man. Guilt locked onto him right as he tried to reload, a smoking hole simply appeared through the man's forehead. Guilt moved through the building at high speeds killing off the gunmen one by one until he reached the back area where a large safe room had been built, Guilt scanned it with x-ray vision only to realize that it was lined with lead. Guilt stood there for a moment, none of the men he'd killed had matched the facial profile of James Woods, so that meant his target was locked inside. Guilt rested both his hands against the door of the vault and drew back his right and struck the door with a superman punch which heavily dented the door, Guilt smirked and drew back again this time putting his thrusters into the punch, his hand slid right through and opened a nice hole, he heard a frightened scream from a man inside the box, Guilt looked through the hole and locked eyes with his target, "Mr Woods...You have been found Guilty in the eyes of the innocent..." Guilt put his arm back into the hole and started releasing anthrax gas into the room, he could hear screaming and choking, "The sentence is death." After a few moments of silence Guilt drew the gas back into him and pulled out his arm. He then took the tech that they had been planning on selling and took it to upgrade himself later.