[center][img]http://echan.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/gesclub.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]The year is 2160 CE, three years after the Relay 314 incident. The state of the galaxy is in a constant flux as the advent of humanity has raised a question of the path of the future. Anti-human sentiments are at a record high as the anti-human movement primarily lead by the Turians that fought them during the First Contact War has gained traction. At the same time the rise of the Systems Alliance has marked a large blip on the radar of the galaxy of a new power that seemed threatening especially to their Batarian neighbors in the Skyllian Verge. To counter this the formation of pro-human groups such as Cerberus have been formed with their manifestos preaching a new manifest destiny to conquer the known galaxy. This accumulation of events were slowly adding to a powder keg waiting to explode. It is a time of great change, social upheaval, discontent and angry feelings throughout Council Space. As a result a mass exodus of souls had begun moving out into the Traverse and a brave few heading deeper to the Terminus Systems themselves where they could be anything they wanted as long as they had the grit to fight for it. It is here on the former mining station of Omega that our story begins. Omega is the cesspool of the greater galaxy. The so called "Dark, twisted counterpart to the Citadel." The mining station is a haven of traffickers, slavers, peddlers, and terrorist alike all trying to live underneath the same roof. Having no standing military or public government to speak of what little order comes from the various mercenary groups that dived the area into predetermined territories. The only semblance of a central figure comes from Aria T'Loak an Asari who's syndicate have significant control over the station after Aria's defeat of the station's former warlord almost one hundred and eighty years prior. Those not affiliated with any of the myriad of mercenary groups were downtrodden and trying to make ends meat while having to pay exuberant extortion fees to keep their places of business still running. Thick polluted smog fills the air and bodies of prostitutes, drug addicts and the unlucky litter the alleyways of the sprawling maze like series of towering buildings and factories jammed next to one another. Any attempts at bring justice to the hell has always ended in failure with those few vigilant who tried ending up down in an alley somewhere with their brain's blown in by a M-6 Carnifex, blood illuminated by the oppressive neon. This fact never deterred some though and their will always be fools wanting to be heroes. This is a story of one such group of misanthropes and paragons willing to become vigilantes in the name of justice. In the Terminus systems there was only one law and the that was the law of the strong and so for whatever reason these individuals came together to fight for those that could not fight for themselves, one bullet through the skull at a time. They are not heroes, heroes had morals, heroes had restraint, and heroes did not enjoy the bloodshed. No they are just the bad men and women needed to keep the other demons from getting through the door. But in the Terminus Systems sometimes you needed bad men to be able to get good things done.[/i][/center] [hr] [center][h3]The Brief Overview[/h3][/center] [list] [*] [b]What is this?:[/b] A Mass Effect RP [*] [b]Alright cool but why is this one different?:[/b] Because while still definitely rooted in the Mass Effect Universe, the story takes direct inspiration from Hong Kong Blood Operas and Spaghetti Westerns with an emphasis on outrageous gun duels, gritty blood splatters and morally grey characters capping evil dudes from the greater good. [*] [b] So who are our character's going to be?: [/b] A myriad of different faces all drawn to the Terminus system for various reasons and all for one reason or another willing to cross the line to bring justice to those that deserve it. Basically a collection of Space Batmen. [*] [b] I see that it is titled Omega Serenade does that mean we will be restricted to the titular mining complex?:[/b] Of course not! The name I took mostly from inspiration of Tom Waits' one and only [i]San Diego Serenade[/i] while Omega will be the starting point their will be plenty of other places on the list like Illium and maybe even the Citadel. [*][b] So since the tone is decidedly gritty will this be a dark and edgy angst fest the entire time?:[/b] Not at all! While the tone is dark and the subject matter dealing with mature themes such as death, depravity, drugs abuse and oppression it is still the Mass Effect Universe so I want to preserve that laughing in the face of death mentality that the games had. [*] [b]Why is it set in 2160 CE rather than let us say during or after the events of the game?:[/b] Honestly because I don't think the story needs to intercept with the story of the games and this puts it at an interesting time geopolitically speaking in the galaxy with the rise of the Systems Alliance and the aftermath of the First Contact War. [/list] [hr] [center][h3] And So... [/h3][/center] Congratulations you've made it to the concluding statements of this interest check. You may still be asking yourself how do you fit into this situation and so I will try my best to explain it all. I'm looking for three to four other individuals that would like to participate in this adventure through the Mass Effect Universe. I'm trying to keep the group small to really allow us to facilitate the bonds between our characters that only such a small group of characters constantly threatened by death can acquire. If you like high action gun fights straight out of an action movie, I'd say this is the RP for you. Though on the flip side if you enjoy lots of character interaction, deeply morally rooted themes and questions that make you think, I think this also your RP. If you ever wanted to be Space Batman fighting crime, this is almost definitely your RP. So this is where I ask a simple question. Who wants in?