[h3]Mayt's Mother's House[/h3] Mayt's mother sighed, continuing with her cooking. [b]"I apologize for trusting my son. Now if all you're going to do is yell insults and harass me, I ask that you please leave. If you have a question that's worth answering, voice it now or forever hold your peace."[/b] Her voice would be filled with dry sarcasm, with a small hint of sadness, and she would guesture towards the door to leave her living space with one hand once she had one to do it with. [b]"Right now, Mayt's probably out of the danger zone anyway."[/b] [h3]Mithera[/h3] As Hemlock went into a wild rage, Mithera began trying to get as far away as possible as fast as possible. Doing her best to duck and dodge and weave out of the dragon's attacks, she she knew couldn't keep it up forever; a single blow would probably do serious damage, if it didn't kill her. Her luck dictated that just as she was about to be safe, Hemlock's tail would graze her back. Her small body lending this small contact to launch her into the streets below, and she felt the left side of her body crack and crumble as she hit the stone streets. After a quick assessment, she rolled over onto her other side, whimpering loudly in pain and using Melina's mind as a crutch to keep her thinking clearly. Once she had positioned herself on her unbroken side, she began to use her magic to 'reshape' her body, which involved mostly fixing perforated internal organs, then her damaged skeletal system. She was sharing her agony with Melina, who had fallen against a building, and was in a sitting position on the side of an alley.