"Hm?" Josh asked looking up, "Oh yeah I guess. Though I swear I've read the same paragraph three times now." Josh shook his head and tucked the book away. "What about you? Anything interesting in the magazine?" The bus bumped over another pot hole and the card game went sprawling again. The whole group groaned, and finally gave up. "How much longer Mrs. Staffer?" One of the boys asked. "Not much." The bus driver yelled to be heard over the chatter. There was a dense fog up ahead. The bus driver leaned over to the GPS she was using to navigate and tapped at the screen. "Hmm, seems the GPS went out. Someone mind setting up their smart phone for the directions? Guess I should've printed out a copy." "I got it." Josh said and pulled out his phone, there was no signal though. "Sorry Mrs. Staffer, I don't have signal. Anyone else?"