P [Center][H2][b][Color=lightBlue]~*~Amaya Vanisis~*~[/color] [/b][/h2] [color=lightblue][i]Where: Phoenix wing guild hall With:Jarvis For:[@Caits][/i][/color][/center] [Color=skyblue] "I don't remember much of mother's past she said that the first six years of her life there was originally five eggs that were brought back to life. I remember her mentioning the magic management council and those higher ups raised her and her siblings. When they finally escaped there was her hemlock and one other but the other one passed away. I remember barely seeing hemlock as he didn't seem to care to even check to see if aurora was alive...mother told me that she protected my village during the Dragon war but she went into hiding.."[/Color]she said before continuing[color=skyblue]" I use to be part of a shrine a temple...we prayed and protected a large blue gen that was very mystical..little did we know that it connected us to her our deity... one day I said a prayer as much as I could and well there she was and took me in" [/color]Amaya said keeping the horrible events of what happened to herself. [Center][b][Color=Salmon][h2]*~*Rose Yashia*~* [i]Black Rose of the phoenix[/i][/h2] Where:Phoenix guild With:J Prince and Elyse. For: [@silver Fox][@Joshua Tamashii][/Color][/b][/center] [Color=salmon]"you said one of her favorite words...you gotta give it to her now[/color]she said jokingly as Prince kissed the back of her hand. She closed her eyes feeling some of her energy leave her. Once he was done she pulled her hand away before she got up before saying to Ariel [color=salmon]"alright, it will take a awhile"[/color]she added heading back to the kitchen to make ariel's food