[h2][color=00a99d]Vilvoy Aamarr - Voy[/color][/h2] Every sound was magnified in the "boarding vessel" and Voy could hear it all. Every breath taken by the crew, every movement made a sound. She could hear the bulkheads creak under the strain of moving through space. If she listened hard enough she could hear the fighting going on outside their boarding craft. But truth be told she rather not listen to what was happening outside, the thought of being in a vacuum always made her a little uneasy even though she grew up on star ships. This ship was small and she would barely call it a ship, but it was space worthy and was going to get them on their target. She knew that this vessel was piloted by questionable people, but it was an alliance that seemed to benefit all or it seemed that way. What made things a little bit more difficult was the sound of others thoughts. She could "hear" them worry about the mission, some worry about their family or loved ones. Some thoughts were on dumb things like who they slept with the night before and wondering if they could get her to do that thing with her tongue again if they lived. Voy refocused her mind on what she was supposed to do soon. She was to cover the backs of those infront of her and let them know if she "saw" anyone coming or hiding. She knew most didn't feel comfortable around her, bit during battle they could careless just as long as she watched out for them. Just then she felt the vessel attach itself to the ship that they were to board. She forced her "sight" to look into the ship, but she couldn't see any danger. That was the best thing with her sight, she could see further and past things that normal people couldn't. Though she couldn't see as far like most of her kind, in other words she was "short sighted". The phrase made her smile as it was an inside joke, well just for her as not many talked to her, so she got no chance to share it. When everyone in the cabin stood so did she. The one thing that was a bit of a down side of being Miraluka was that they couldn't see colour like the rest of the species could. But that didn't matter much when you had a mission to focus on, plus she could see everyone's aura. So she knew where to point her blaster, no one had to worry about that. Light turned green or that's what she assumed as people began to move out of one cramped can into another. Just then she felt the vessel shake, she could see someone firing at them, but they were gone as soon as she saw them. [i]Shite! Why in the Stars are they firing on us!?[/i] she thought then was suddenly bombarded by the emotions of those around her. They were fearful and wanted out of the boarding vessel before the others. This was how people got killed, they rushed into an area without thinking and not checking blind spots. They did this out of fear. She really wished that they would think and not be so fearful as she really didn't want to lose anyone. Voy took her time moving into the other ship as she let others go ahead of her. Her heart was pumping like everyone else's only she was trying to keep a clear head and keep her "sight" wide. She needed to make sure everyone was out of harms way as best she could in this war. She followed Vannin for the most part as he seemed to want to lead or at least he stayed close to the front. She knew she might be more useful up front as she could let the team know who was coming. Though there was a tech that had equipment for that stuff. If anything Voy was the back up system for that. [i]No dying on this team, everyone lives.[/i] she thought as she made her way up the line, though at first it was hard to move up. The place was cramped and there was little room to move. But that didn't matter much when blaster fire started. She could see another force sensitive fire at the enemy, but the girl was terrified and felt horrible for killing part of the crew of the ship they had boarded. Truth be told, Voy didn't care as those men would of killed her the first chance they got. Might as well kill them first before they get you or worse a team member. [color=00a99d]"Your right[/color]!" Voy called to the recruit infront of her. The man shot his blaster down a small alley and she could "see" the imp fall. The man looked at her and gave a nod before moving up. Once they reached one of the check points Voy helped clear some of the imp bodies. She smirked at some of Vannin's morbid jokes, you had to have some sense of humor when doing stuff like this. Just so long as your joking didn't compromise the team in anyway. But Vannin was pretty good with his humor or at least she thought so. After moving the bodies hid behind a bulkhead that had a good "view" of the corridor that lead into the systems. "[color=00a99d]Movement[/color]." Voy called softly as she "saw" the imps before anyone else could see them with their eyes. "Light 'em up!" Was all she heard before a hail of blaster fire rang off the walls. It was nearly deafening, but she didn't pay too much attention to that. She simply pointed and shot, most thought it was weird that someone with no eyes could shoot like she could. But then they had eyes and there was no way they could understand how she could see things. As she pulled the trigger to her rifle she could see the imp that the blaster bolts assulted fall. He didn't die right away, he fell then struggled to breath. He knew he was dying and she could feel that he was scared. This was the hard part of being a her, but all she had to do was think of her squad and the fear and pain they would go through if the imps got them. [b][i]Harden yourself, if it's not them then it's your squad and we will not go through that again![/i][/b]