[Alice and Naoi] Alice noticed words appearing on other people’s bodies after they spoken their word. [i]So that’s what is on my back![/i] [hider=Word appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/vel5Fb8.jpg[/img] (Source: Donovan Olson) [/hider] Naoi experimented more with his power, coating the pointy side of the pencil with a thin layer of diamond and covering the middle part with a ring of ice. Naoi then imagined the ice floating in the air, which in turn lifted the pencil, and pictured throwing it towards the chalkboard. It sunk into it a decent amount, at the very least, enough to stick. [i]If I could find someone with ‘metal’ then this would be deadly.[/i] Alice heard a “thunk!” as Naoi’s pencil buried itself in the chalkboard. “Wait, do we all have superpowers now? Does that make us superheroes? CAN I ACTUALLY FLY?!” she exclaimed, ignoring the look that Naoi gave her from across the room. Turning to the student nearest to her, Alice requested, “Can you help me onto my feet?” “Yeah, but are you sure this is okay?” the boy asked. “Yup, can make sure I don’t fall over as well?” “Okay,” the boy replied while helping her up. Once Alice was steady, she shouted, “Wings!” But nothing happened. “What? Why didn’t anything happen?” questioned Alice, confused. Ms. Robinson explained, “Try having a clear image in your mind when you do it again, okay? “Alright. Wings!” Alice attempted again. Pure white wings sprouted from Alice’s back, unfurling majestically. Some of the students stared at her in awe and Alice was just positively delighted. She tried flapping them once, and they created a small gust from the movement. [i]Nothing all too impressive, only allows her to fly,[/i] Naoi thought. “I have wings! I can fly!” Alice said triumphantly as she started hovering from the ground. [i]Mom, Dad, this was the answer after all! Miracles really do happen here![/i] Seals abruptly began appearing from the ground and a student behind Alice screamed as a blight monster emerged from it. “I get it now! This school makes us superheroes, and now we have to fight the evil monsters!” Alice exclaimed happily.