[center][h2]Damian Gerard[/h2][/center] Damian did his best to keep his footing on the rampaging dragon's back, but in the end, it wasn't enough. He tumbled down the dragon's side to the ground, rolling a few feet with several grunts and oofs as he finally came to a stop. Stumbling to his feet, he heard Zero call out his name as he dodged a poison wrapped swing of the tail and made his way over. He watched Karn climb his way back up to the last controlling wizard as he went, dodging a claw instead of the tail this time. [color=FireBrick][i]Damn, this guy is pissed, and I don't mean just the dragon. What a day...[/i][/color] Seeing the Dragon Slayer, Damian sprints towards him, avoiding the poison attacks and hoping he doesn't get blasted at by the surviving control wizard. Upon reaching the dragon slayer, Damian spins around behind him and grabs him pulling them both out of the way of a breath attack. He knew the Dragon Slayer was of Hemlock's element, but everyone had their limit and he didn't want his new guild mate hitting his just yet. [color=FireBrick]"Before we do anything permanent, is there no way to knock him unconscious, any kind of Achilles's heel?"[/color] Damian understood the loss of a parent, better than Zero knew, and he didn't want anyone to have to go through that. [color=purple]"If Hemlock had something like that... I would know..."[/color] Zero said calmly as he got up and brushed himself. [color=purple]"Thanks for getting me out the way. And thank you for trying to make this easier... But I'll be fine."[/color] He spoke simply as he stared down the rampaging dragon. Soon Karn was by their side. Or at least... It was his body. The scent, the movements, the look in its eyes. It was all just off. [color=purple]"This won't be the first time Zenoram has lost a parent though. So he'll probably take this very hard."[/color] He said clenching his fist. [color=purple]"Now... We need to find a good way to combine our magic. Right? I mean... I'm not strong enough to properly wound the guy by myself after all. And taking down a dragon the right way... One like him, who's had a fair amount of time to grow. You need dragon slayer magic."[/color] [center][h2]Damian Gerard|Mount Hakobe[/h2][/center] Damian sighed, unable to fully grasped what the Dragon Slayer meant by Zenoram as he only saw the dragon slayer in front of him, but that was something for another time. For now, he got to come to terms with the fact that he would be ending three lives today. [color=FireBrick][i]Guess I've got some explaining to do when I get back to the guild. I'm sorry mom, Penny...[/i][/color] With a deep breath, Damian begins focusing his magic, a black magic circle forming under him and a much larger blade began to form along the length of his now single Hercules Blade. It was a Final Strike spell, but Zero was right. None of their magic alone would be enough, even Karn's. [color=FireBrick]"We'll have to do a unison raid, combine all our magics into one. I've already got mine going. Try to match the rhythm of my body and magic with your own."[/color] He slowly slid into a rush stance, the blade held to the right side where both Karn and Zero could get at it to form the unison raid. He had no idea how it would work, it was the first time Damian had taken part in one, but it was high time to find out. Zero took a deep breath. He'd partially forgotten that Damian didn't know about his whole double personality thing. Well, it was Zenoram's thing. He was the second to come after all. Still that wasn't the important part. [color=purple]"I get it. Never done something like this before. So, there's no guarantee it'll go smoothly. Got it S-Class?"[/color] He spoke calmly as he closed his eyes. He was listening closely. To Damian, to the Chimera standing beside him. He was slowly matching his breathing, doing his best to match his magical output. That was a bit easier after his little addition to the magic he'd had consumed thanks to Hemlock's breath attack. [color=purple]"You too Chimera. Gonna need your breath attack."[/color] He clapped his hands together and opened his eyes as he finally felt prepared to continue. They narrowed, like those of a dragon as his poison-like magic aura began to bubble to the surface around his body. [color=purple]"Poison Dragon's Arsenal."[/color] His voice was quick, his magic fierce as a large purple magic circle formed in front of him. [color=purple]"Projectile Edition."[/color] Out of the circle a large arrow like figure began to form, the arrow head holding a spiral like form. [color=purple]"Arrow."[/color] He said calmly as it seemed to solidify. "If your sword combines with the arrow, and we propel it with the Chimera's roar we can take Hemlock out." [center][h2]Damian Gerard[/h2][/center] Damian didn't move, but hoped that Zero knew that he knew what he meant. Karn had nodded, leaning forward and adding his golden fire from the roar to the mix. Damian's senses weren't as sharp as the Dragon Slayer's or the Chimera's, but they were still pretty good. Eventually, he could feel their magics beginning to combine into one, the sword blade shimmering and changing colors. [color=FireBrick][i]Sorry Hemlock. I'm...so sorry...[/i][/color] This was the last of a great magical species, presumably the last of it's kind if Damian knew anything about his history, though dragons were never explicitly mentioned, that lack of mention was important. [color=FireBrick]"Alright, I think it's ready. And if not, well, I don't think he'll give us a second chance. Ready?"[/color] With nods from both of his fellow casters, Damian braced himself and then leaped forward as Karn unleashed another roar for Damian to ride. Just in case, Damian threw a blade between himself and it as he raced at the dragon's chest. [color=FireBrick][i]Not the heard. I won't do that. They deserve good-bye at least.[/i][/color] As he grew closer, he swung the blade so he'd enter point first. [color=FireBrick]"Charging Blade of the Poisonous Golden Dragon!"[/color] Zero's magic coated the edge of the blade, so it would be the first magic to impact the dragon's scaly hide. If he was lucky, the attack would pierce the hide, allowing both the golden flames in the second layer of the blade's edge to do their job. And then the moment of truth as Damian went in the left side of Hemlock's chest...and got stuck. But the damage was done. With a mighty roar of pain and surrender, the Might Dragon of Poison, Hemlock, fell to one side, dumping the remaining controller wizard at the same time. The unison raid dispersed and Damian fell to the ground with a puff of dust and a loud "Oomph!" before standing and looking around. [color=FireBrick]"Ummmm...did it work or am I about to get eaten?"[/color] Zero wanted to look way. He wanted to turn his head and just let it happen. But he couldn't. He had to follow this through to the end. Every part of him screamed that. Zenoram was quiet. He hadn't been so quiet in a long time. And then it came. The impact of the three magics. Something felt off. Was this really a unison raid? He couldn't bring himself to really believe that. Still as Hemlock hit the ground along with Damian, Zero charged forward. Despite the magic loss, he was moving faster than one would expect. [color=purple]"Oh no you don't!"[/color] He shouted. In the pseudo smoke screen caused by the impact of Hemlock Haemos was trying to escape. [color=00a651]"What the?! Get the fuck off me!"[/color] He shouted. [color=00a651]"You mother!"[/color] His voice came to a quick halt as the snow began to settle once more, Zero's hand planted firmly on the man's mouth. [color=purple]"I should kill you. Make you suffer. It's all you and your friends deserve."[/color] He squeezed his hand, clamping it down, tightening the grip he had on Haemos's face. [color=purple]"I want nothing more than to fill your lungs with poison. To let it engulf you and corrode your flesh. Paralyze your nerves so speaking, let alone screaming is out of the question. I want to make you hurt so bad you'd wish your death had just been quick."[/color] He growl as stared into the now fairly defenseless man's eyes. [color=purple]"And the real scary part? Normally I'd have a little voice in my head tell me not to. Telling me to let you go. But he's not saying anything right now."[/color] He lifted Haemos, but soon slammed his back into the snow, knocking him out. "But then you's be getting off way too easy." He spoke to nobody now as he turned. [color=440e62]"You made the right choice."[/color] Hemlock spoke, much to Zero's surprise. [color=440e62]"Don't look so surprised. Your friend aimed properly. He's given us just enough time."[/color] The dragon added as he began to climb back up the mountain. [color=440e62]"All of you. Follow."[/color] The strength normally held in his voice was fading. Still he was moving at a normal pace. Most likely to get something done, before he died. But what? What could be so important. Zero's and Zenoram's hopes of the dragon living were shot, but they'd made their resolve earlier. They were quiet, following after their foster parent. [color=purple]"Don't worry. He's back..."[/color] [center][h2]Damian Gerard[/h2][/center] Damian nodded solemnly and followed the pair, not bothering to look back and see if Karn was following. He knew that the Transformation wizard was, even without looking. And so by their hands, the last dragon in any written history was killed, doomed to die a fairly slow and painful death because of all the wounds that had been inflicted, the worst from the three who were trying to save him. [color=FireBrick][i]I can add "Killed the father in front of the son" to my list of sins and regrets...god, I joined a guild to get away from all this...[/i][/color] He heaved a heavy sigh and watched Zero. The guy seemed to be taking it fairly well, which lead him to believe that he'd accepted the fate of his father. And in Damian's mind, that was one thing he shouldn't have had to do. For that, he'd make sure the survivors of the battle went right to the Council and saw they got proper punishment for what they did.