[center][url=http://tektek.org/av/1054517][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img539/9787/74Zu1T.png[/img][/url] [b][i]Prince Fiore || Magnolia || Phoenix Wing Guild[/i][/b][/center] [@Amaya Tamashii] [@t2wave] [@Joshua Tamashii] Prince smiled a bit at Ariel's words, ears twitching a little more. [color=aqua]"Heh you definetly also helped out Karn. By the time he'd get here I'd probably jump him. And the rest of my Guildmates don't usually like giving their magic willingly."[/color] he chuckled softly before grinning at Elyse and Rose as they spoke up. He gently took the hat off of Elyse to place it ontop of his head once more before patting the blonde hair. [color=aqua]"Dinner first. Don't want to spoil your appetite otherwise your mommy might get mad at me."[/color] he chuckled in amusement before glancing toward the bar. The feline man had expected the winged girl to come over and question himself, but she didn't seem to. Funny how she was confident enough to ask Jack the guild master. So instead the catman smiled brightly and waved her over. [color=aqua]"Beautiful lonely lady at the bar! Why not come sit with us! I don't bite much I swear!"[/color] he joked with a amused grin.