[center][b]Jarvis[/b][/center] Jarvis listened, as Ayama told him the bare bones of her story. He could fill in the blanks, at least enough to get a good picture. [color=aba000]"and is Auroa alive still?"[/color] he asked softly, gently, not wishing to give Ayama and distressed, although he could guess given that she was looking for her that the dragon was still alive, but had abandoned the girl. That was what had happened in the past, he knew with Fairy Tail and Sabertooth's dragon slayers, but Jarvis didn't know if they had ever found them again. [color=aba000]And if she is, where would she have gone. You asked Jamie about finding her, I think"[/color] Jarvis said, trying tostay on topic. [center][b]Penny[/b][/center] [color=f7976a]"Trusting him? Shoving information in his head and not giving him the option of using it, nor understanding it is not trusting him. And I haven't finished, you old hag!"[/color] Penny said, narrowing her eyes at the woman, [color=f7976a]"Just what can be done to stop Mayt from killing himself accidentally?" [/color] Penny wasn't afraid of this woman, nor did she particularly care that she was being rude. Penny was of the opinion that a parent shouldn't leave their child unless they had no choice, and it seemed to her that this woman had just let Mayt go. She also thought that a parent shouldn't do something like this, when it should have been something learned. She waited for an answer